Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Okay, so, since I like, neglect the $#!t out of this blog, for all of you J O E Y addicts out there, I'll give you my Tumblr again.

But yeah. Um. Okay. MUSIC WEDNESDAY. :)


So I always promised myself that I would never do "Music Monday" (or any day of the week) on any artist that's overplayed on the radio.

(Seriously, do you know how many times I would've done Lady Gaga by now?)


But I can't help it. And no, I haven't only heard her radio-hit, "Tik Tok," so I at least sort of kind of know what I'm talking about when I say that Ke$ha's music is so freaking catchy. I went on her Pure Volume account and listened to her four other tracks, and I must say that I would not mind SPENDING ACTUAL MONEY on this CD. Really diggin' her music.

And that's all there really is to say on that matter.


In other news.

Monday, December 14, was my one year anniversary with Boyfriend. Granted, things are really complicated right now. But I've been promised forever, and I trust him with my life. So I believe it.

We're just... not entirely commited right now. And I can't expect him to want to be at sixteen (going on seventeen). Even I really don't.

Well, I do. But I know I'm going to want to date other people. But I know all I'll be seeing is him.




Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Music... erm... TUESDAY.

I forgot again.

The Dresden Dolls

Okay, so they're not exacty new on the scene. But they're still fabulous. I binged on them a while ago, and now I'm falling in love with them again. I was listening to their beautiful song, "Boston," one night, because it's somewhat applicable to my current situation. And then I just started listening to all of their CDs. And I fell back in love.

This cabaret rock duo has since split up, but that doesn't mean they're not going to potentially reunite. Amanda Palmer has come out with her own album, which is beautiful, but I don't enjoy it quite as much as her music with Brian Viglione.

Please listen to them. They're a couple of GODS.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

S N O W F A L L.

The snow is absolutely GORGEOUS.

The first snowfall of the year.

How romantic.

I'd love to be cuddled up under a blanket with someone watching movies right now.

Buuuuuut....... Bleh. Let's not go there.

It's not really a bad "bleh." But it's a kinda eh "bleh."

But anyhoozits. I'm falling back in love with the Dresden Dolls. It's kinda crazy. I think they're going to be my next Music Monday. I just Tumbled about them a little bit, too.

So Monday through Thursday, I did really well with eating and working out. And then Thursday night I had McDonalds D: But I think I ate less than I usually do when I go there. Kind of. And then Friday I didn't get to work out. And I ate Burger King. And chocolate. And then today I ate like, five pieces of pizza.

So much for losing my pudge, eh?

I'm really upset that tomorrow's going to be forty degrees and sunny. The beautiful snow is all going to melt. I think I'm going to hang out with Chessie again. Chessie = my friend Francesca. But everyone calls her Chessie. So yeah.

I have the worst writer's block. So I'm about to read some stuff on a writer's forum and hopefully get inspired. Because I'm writing a story that's like, really intriguing me, and I want to WRITE it, but I don't know if I cannnnnnnn. D:


Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Series of Heartfelt Letters, "Clever Girl Goes Blog" Style - Part Deux

Dear Blogger,

I love you. And all of my readers that come with you. But I'm kind of starting to hate you. I've trapped myself in this really lame style, and I can't get out of it. And I enjoy my Tumblr style so much more.

Oh well. I won't desert you.

Me. As always.


Dear Christmas,


Someone who has no idea what they fucking want.


Dear Weather,

I'm sick and tired of this back and forth nonsense. Please make up your mind. Will you be too lovely to be winter? Or will you be too cold for the ninth circle of Hell? I'd really appreciate it if you could either settle on a proper winter temperature, or be abnormally tropical.

Someone who's going to get sick from Mother Nature's menopausal mood swings any day now.

Dear Photography,

I think this project is going to suck. Considering I don't really admire anyone. I just love people. So my "Someone you admire" project is going to be about someone I love. And the essay will be phenom.

Someone who can't think of a witty name for this entry.


Dear Heart-felt Letters,

You're a lot of fun to write. I should do this more often.
If only I was clever.
If only.




Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ad Canvassing Win? (THE END OF NABLOPOMO)

So, you can tell I celebrated the end of NaBloPoMo yesterday by... not posting :) Hehe.

Anyway, I went ad canvassing yesterday afternoon with a classmate of mine and I'm not sure whether or not it was a success... We left contracts and newspapers at four places, and... well, I guess they'll contact him if they want. The teacher, I mean.

Life is so crazy right now.

Well, not right now. Well, kind of. But college is going to make the other "L" word much more difficult. The one that's not life.

(Not talking about lesbians here.)

I'm trying not to think about it.

But I can't help it.

You know?

When you want something to work this badly, you can't help but think about it - and how things could go horribly wrong.
