Sunday, October 26, 2008

OH MY GOD HAHAHAH!! That Totally Made My Life

Well, it didn't REALLY make my life. It's one of the few things that made my life, let's put it like that. Well, not FEW things, but.... Okay, I"m going to stop rambling. The only reason I'm rambling is because I've been without blogging for a week now and I feel like the words have been bottled up inside me, threatening to explode into nothingness. What I really need to do is write one of my two stories.


What made my life, you ask?

You know my last blog, how I was ranting and raving about Comcast?

A COMCAST REPRESENTATIVE EFFING COMMENTED!! AHAHAHAHAH!! Go check it out if you don't believe me. But yeah. So I've been without Internet for a week. Comcast was supposed to come yesterday. Good thing my mom called and found out they weren't coming. The chick she talked to was a real bitch. I want to stab her in the face. Not really, but you get the idea. So we cancelled Comcast internet and they sent a rep out here today to pick up the modems and shit. So I'm riding a low connection right now, but it's better than no connection at all :D We're getting Verizon. Again. Eventually.

My aunt finally sent me a birthday present. Verrrryyyyy late. It's a $25 iTunes gift card. Figures, I find out I can actually USE the internet, and I don't remember the stuff I wanted. Blah.

I'm sure I'll have more to post tomorrow. I get the opportunity and I forget what I wanna say... Oh well!!


So I logged on Facebook half an hour ago and found I had an inbox message from a writer at the school paper saying she wanted to interview me, because she's doing an article about bloggers. I feel veryveryvery special =D

Okay I have more to talk about.

I've spent most of my $150 from my birthday. I also spent $20 more of my Old Navy gift card. So I have like, $60 left on that. But I spent the money on:

1)Halloween ((the remastered 30th anniversary... I think...))
2)The Strangers ((One of the like, three movies that creeped me out))
3)Sex and the City Movie ((I need to get the series))
4)The Mist ((Hahaha I made Sam watch it; she hated me because of the ending. Watch it to see for yourself))
5) 30 Days of Night ((One of the better vampire flicks I've seen in a while))
6) Anita Blake #10: Narcissus in Chains ((Still reading the ninth one, Obsidian Butterfly))
7) Betrayed ((The sequel to that book Marked. I don't like the writing that much, but I like the book... I can't explain it))
8)Anita Blake: The First Death ((Graphic novel; prequel to series))
9)Anita Blake: Guilty Pleasures - Volume One ((Graphic novel version of the first Anita Blake book... or at least part of it... is my obsession apparent yet?))
10) A blank-faced mask for Halloween ((It's creepy as hell if you ask me... but I don't know if it was worth nine dollars...))

And I got a realllllly comfy hoodie at Old Navy. Yeah. Hawtness.

I have three - count 'em, three - job applications to turn in... Gah. Okay. I'll post another part to this post, because my mom's harassing me for the computer. Kay.


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