Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Okay, so, since I like, neglect the $#!t out of this blog, for all of you J O E Y addicts out there, I'll give you my Tumblr again.

But yeah. Um. Okay. MUSIC WEDNESDAY. :)


So I always promised myself that I would never do "Music Monday" (or any day of the week) on any artist that's overplayed on the radio.

(Seriously, do you know how many times I would've done Lady Gaga by now?)


But I can't help it. And no, I haven't only heard her radio-hit, "Tik Tok," so I at least sort of kind of know what I'm talking about when I say that Ke$ha's music is so freaking catchy. I went on her Pure Volume account and listened to her four other tracks, and I must say that I would not mind SPENDING ACTUAL MONEY on this CD. Really diggin' her music.

And that's all there really is to say on that matter.


In other news.

Monday, December 14, was my one year anniversary with Boyfriend. Granted, things are really complicated right now. But I've been promised forever, and I trust him with my life. So I believe it.

We're just... not entirely commited right now. And I can't expect him to want to be at sixteen (going on seventeen). Even I really don't.

Well, I do. But I know I'm going to want to date other people. But I know all I'll be seeing is him.




Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Music... erm... TUESDAY.

I forgot again.

The Dresden Dolls

Okay, so they're not exacty new on the scene. But they're still fabulous. I binged on them a while ago, and now I'm falling in love with them again. I was listening to their beautiful song, "Boston," one night, because it's somewhat applicable to my current situation. And then I just started listening to all of their CDs. And I fell back in love.

This cabaret rock duo has since split up, but that doesn't mean they're not going to potentially reunite. Amanda Palmer has come out with her own album, which is beautiful, but I don't enjoy it quite as much as her music with Brian Viglione.

Please listen to them. They're a couple of GODS.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

S N O W F A L L.

The snow is absolutely GORGEOUS.

The first snowfall of the year.

How romantic.

I'd love to be cuddled up under a blanket with someone watching movies right now.

Buuuuuut....... Bleh. Let's not go there.

It's not really a bad "bleh." But it's a kinda eh "bleh."

But anyhoozits. I'm falling back in love with the Dresden Dolls. It's kinda crazy. I think they're going to be my next Music Monday. I just Tumbled about them a little bit, too.

So Monday through Thursday, I did really well with eating and working out. And then Thursday night I had McDonalds D: But I think I ate less than I usually do when I go there. Kind of. And then Friday I didn't get to work out. And I ate Burger King. And chocolate. And then today I ate like, five pieces of pizza.

So much for losing my pudge, eh?

I'm really upset that tomorrow's going to be forty degrees and sunny. The beautiful snow is all going to melt. I think I'm going to hang out with Chessie again. Chessie = my friend Francesca. But everyone calls her Chessie. So yeah.

I have the worst writer's block. So I'm about to read some stuff on a writer's forum and hopefully get inspired. Because I'm writing a story that's like, really intriguing me, and I want to WRITE it, but I don't know if I cannnnnnnn. D:


Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Series of Heartfelt Letters, "Clever Girl Goes Blog" Style - Part Deux

Dear Blogger,

I love you. And all of my readers that come with you. But I'm kind of starting to hate you. I've trapped myself in this really lame style, and I can't get out of it. And I enjoy my Tumblr style so much more.

Oh well. I won't desert you.

Me. As always.


Dear Christmas,


Someone who has no idea what they fucking want.


Dear Weather,

I'm sick and tired of this back and forth nonsense. Please make up your mind. Will you be too lovely to be winter? Or will you be too cold for the ninth circle of Hell? I'd really appreciate it if you could either settle on a proper winter temperature, or be abnormally tropical.

Someone who's going to get sick from Mother Nature's menopausal mood swings any day now.

Dear Photography,

I think this project is going to suck. Considering I don't really admire anyone. I just love people. So my "Someone you admire" project is going to be about someone I love. And the essay will be phenom.

Someone who can't think of a witty name for this entry.


Dear Heart-felt Letters,

You're a lot of fun to write. I should do this more often.
If only I was clever.
If only.




Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ad Canvassing Win? (THE END OF NABLOPOMO)

So, you can tell I celebrated the end of NaBloPoMo yesterday by... not posting :) Hehe.

Anyway, I went ad canvassing yesterday afternoon with a classmate of mine and I'm not sure whether or not it was a success... We left contracts and newspapers at four places, and... well, I guess they'll contact him if they want. The teacher, I mean.

Life is so crazy right now.

Well, not right now. Well, kind of. But college is going to make the other "L" word much more difficult. The one that's not life.

(Not talking about lesbians here.)

I'm trying not to think about it.

But I can't help it.

You know?

When you want something to work this badly, you can't help but think about it - and how things could go horribly wrong.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Ad Canvassing Fail?

So I hate my journalism teacher.

It's like, definite now.

First, he makes the entire class stay after school until six o'clock once a month and expects everyone to arrange their own rides home. Even though not everyone can drive. And I don't know about everyone else, but my mom is losing pay so she can leave work early to come get me.

Second, he gets mad at one of my friends for not being able to stay until six o'clock because she has to watch her one year old sister. Very cool.

Third, me and a couple friends formed a group to go ad canvassing - in other words, to go around shops and ask managers if they want to take out an ad in the school paper - at a shopping center near my house. These friends can drive, and I can walk to the shopping center.
Does he even give us a chance to suggest this?
He gives us a shopping center near the two friends' houses, and neither of them want to give me a ride.
Of course, they don't tell me they can't give me a ride until eleven o'clock, which was when we were supposed to be meeting.
And now one of those friends is vehemently denying the fact that we decided on the easier shopping center, but whatever.

It really doesn't matter, I guess.

Just a bunch of bullshit.

I hate that teacher, and I'm really starting to hate the class.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

I'm Buying Plane Tickets to Illinois for June/July 2010. Mkay?

Yeah. I think I'm going to save up about $275 for a plane ticket to Illinois to visit my bestest friend that I've neverever met before.


So I went Black Friday shopping with Boyfriend yesterday, and it was just like any other weekend at the mall. The crowd wasn't that bad. It was only bad for the people on methamphetamines that went at like, five in the morning.

But I got two people Christmas presents, and I have like... two more to go.

And I still have like, 55 bucks to spend :D Woo!

I'm gonna get myself a resistance band jont to work out. Because um... there's this amazing boy that has an equally amazing body that I feel very out-of-shape next to.

And I just ate one of the most fattening things in the world, so I need to go on like, a twelve hour walk.




Thursday, November 26, 2009

This is My Post For Tomorrow

So Thanksgiving was not bad. At all.

I went to my dad's for the first time in eight months. And it was as if nothing had ever happened. But I think I trust him a little more now. More than I did for a while. Which was not at all.

So now that that bullet has finally been bitten, I might start going over there again. And Boyfriend isn't entirely thrilled with that idea. Honestly, I'm kind of anxious, too. But I guess... we'll just see what happens. Which has been my philosophy for life lately. We'll just see how things go.

So yeah. Turkey Day is over, and I get to see Boyfriend tomorrow, all day. I miss him. Which sounds odd, considering I see him every day at school and talk to him every night. I dunno.

But yeah.

So everything was pretty... okay.



I hope everyone's holiday is absolutely wonderful.

And I hope you all have something amazing to be thankful for.

My Thankfulishness

-Samantha Jean PENGUIN (Last name has been changed)
-Lilian Nichole VOMITEY (last name has been changed, and I probably spelled the first two names wrong :D)
-Megan SLUTHAUSEN (do I really need to keep repeating myself?)
-Francescaaa Gurllll.

-My Amazing Boyfriend-

Have fun devouring your poor, innocent turkeys, you all.

I know I... won't.


I can't wait to be a vegetarian.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Bit of News

I guess posting twice in one day makes up for my lack of posting yesterday.

Um, I'm kind of cheating on Blogger a little bit.

Joey's Tumblr



I'll still post here!

Probably more personal stuff will go here, and then just other random things regarding movies, music, and just little ramblings will go on Tumblr.

I kind of like it better than Blogger, actually. The set-up is much more... organized.


I love all you Blogger people still.

And I'm not going anywhere!!!

But for all you class of '09ers that I've discovered love my little annoying rantings and ravings, you might wanna follow that jont, too.


I'm not letting this fame get to my head, am I?




(Totally ignoring the fact that I'm horrible at this NaBloPoMo nonsense and didn't post yesterday.)

So apparently, I'm a wee bit for famous than I thought.



Today is, as you know, the day before Thanksgiving, and we have one of those bullshit half days high school students haven't really seen much of since their pre-secondary-school days. So a lot of --

I just received a tweet from Semi-Precious Weapons that today is their LAST DAY IN THE RECORDING STUDIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--graduates came to visit their favorite teachers. In second period journalism, a girl whose name I WISH I knew (sorry, mysterious fan D:) told me that a LOT of last-year seniors read my blog. Like, a LOT. And they get all excited when I update.
I wish I was a junior ><
So yeah, that takes care of that :)
Um, would someone mind telling me why I have a really weird taste at the back of my throat after I eat or drink anything? Because I'm a little concerned.
But yeah. Uhm. No school for two days :) But something very scary/exciting is happening tomorrow.
I'm seeing my dad for the first time in almost eight months.
I'm going to his house for Thanksgiving, and I'm really anxious, but I think I'm ready.
Wish me luck?
And then the rest of this little mini-break should be chill. Boyfriend's house Friday, and then ad-canvassing for the school newspaper with cool people on Saturday or Sunday. Hopefully, I'll be able to do Christmas shopping one of those days. My BFFL tried to get me to agree to wake up at like, four in the morning to hit all the Black Friday sales.
Pardon my French, but EFF THAT.
So yeah.
That's... about the height of it.
PS: You need to check out "Monster" by Lady Gaga. NOW. It's like crack.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ohhay, Let's Take a Sick Day Out of a Two and a Half Day Week.

Of course, last night, I felt like shit, and this morning, I woke up feeling worse.

So I didn't go to school, and I only have two and a half days of school this week.

Plus I'm just not a happy camper right now.

Suffice it to say that I'll never make anyone happy, and I'll probably die a miserable old cat lady.

With a penis.


On with the Music Monday.

Regina Spektor

Okay, so this woman is pretty much perfect. She mixes her upbeat melodies with beautiful ballads, and all of the lyrics are incredibly clever and have a deeper-than-what's-on-the-surface meaning. The music is just fantastic, and Spektor is very good with her fingers - on the piano, that is.

My favorite album from her is called "Begin to Hope," but the one pictured above is called "Far." They're both amazing, as is her older one, "Soviet Kitsch."'

(Don't sue me if I got the spelling wrong. But I'm pretty sure I didn't.)

Definitely check Regina Spektor out. Her new... I don't know if it's a single, but there's a video for it... well, whatever, it's called "Dance Anthem of the '80s." It's very cute. As are most of her other songs. A song that I find very powerful from her "Begin to Hope" album is called "Samson." Definitely listen to it - it'll tug on your heartstrings.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Boring Friday, Exciting Saturday

So you know how I said my mom was at a concert Friday night and I was supposed to hang out with Francesca.
Yeah. Didn't happen. 'Cause Cescie girl lost her phone.
*Smacks a bitch*

So I was at home. Alone. For all of Friday night. Talking to Nikki for about three hours about how pissed off we are for being in similar situations. I ordered myself a pasta bread bowl from Dominos and watched I Know Who Killed Me, and I don't care what anyone says - I love that movie.

But yeah.

Last night was oodles of fun though. KaraKabob had one of her numerous, epic parties. And I kissed a girl. And I didn't really like it. And I kissed a boy. And it was kind of amazing. But it's been that way for about... 11 months and 7 days now, so I'm not TOO surprised. Haha.

I'm so hungry right now, though. I want another bread bowl. But it's 10:03 AM. And we're going to the store. And I really don't want to. So I might not.


THANK JESUS. I'm running so low.


Friday, November 20, 2009

My Lollipop Just Cut My Lip D:

So my mom is going to a Bruce Springsteen concert tonight.

And I don't know if I'm getting out of the house or not.

But I really need to. Because I can't be home alone all night. So, probably I'll be with Francesca :)

I know this is such a bullshit post, but I just really wanted to whore the new Gaga video, for those that haven't seen it, because it's really effing epic.

Lady Gaga - Bad Romance




Thursday, November 19, 2009

I Have No More Stamps D:

I have two stamps left.

I need three for my UMD application.


Now it's going to stress me out until like, this weekend, when I get stamps and I can friggin send in the application and GAHH.

Honestly, I don't think I'm going to apply to any other schools. Like, the three in-state ones are fine. Everything else is just too much money.

So I realize that I have forgotten Music Monday yet again. And I know it's like, three days late. But... here ya go.

La Roux

I don't really listen to this techno-poppy duo all that much, but I DO have the above-pictured album, and I have heard most of it. Their songs are very catchy, and the beats just make you want to get up and dance. The lyrics of some of their songs are really pretty, but mostly, they're just good dance beats. The singer's voice is definitely unique. I'm not talking Semi-Precious Weapons unique, but it's different.

Anyway, this is a very good dance-type-music band, and they're definitely worth a listen.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Towson U.

I applied. For Towson University. And now I'm really anxious.

And, of course, I need to apply for more schools, but for the applications alone, it's forty-five-freaking-dollars, and another ten to send them my SAT schores.


Does it really cost money to receive an application online? No. What about receiving SAT scores online? Shouldn't cost money for that, either.

So, again - WHAT THE EFF. Isn't it bad enough that colleges range between $15,000 and, like, $50,000 a YEAR? Do we REALLY need to pay for applications? NO.

Ugh. Everything should just be free. Money makes everything so difficult.

So I started my Salisbury application, and again, I need to pay forty five bucks before it can get sent in, another ten for my SAT scores to get sent in.

I don't want to ask my mom for this one, because I'm going to apply for at LEAST three more after this. Maybe I'll ask my dad. Who I actually spoke to yesterday, and it was not that awkward at all.

But yeah.

I'm going to try to finish most of this Salisbury app tonight, and get UMD done tomorrow... hopefully. Those are all my in-state schools.


And, on top of that, I need to take pictures for photography, walk a dog, and... JUST GAH.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

C O L L E G E.

I know I'm horrible at this NaBloPoMo shiz.

But I have a really good reason.

At least, it's really good to me.

I went to Boyfriend's house on Friday, and stayed until about 10:30 last night :) Well, I didn't STAY, because me, him, and his mom went on a visit to Salisbury University, and... well, it's changing my mind a little bit about college.

I wanted to go to the local community college. It's one of the top ten in the country, and it's just... cheaper. But visiting a college, it's making me want the whole experience. The whole, four-year college experience.

Problem is, I'm going to need a LOT of grants and a LOT of scholarships.

And loans. Ugh.

The only thing about going anywhere farther than the twenty-minute-down-the-road state university, or the other twenty-minute-away college, is being far away from everyone I care about.

Namely, Boyfriend.

After the visit to Salisbury yesterday, I started thinking about how hard it's going to be for us to go to seperate schools - probably. Hopefully, we'll end up at the same place, but probably not. I don't know. I just... don't know. I'm really scared college is going to break us. You know?

Yesterday was our eleven months. It was one of our few month-iversaries that I got to spend with him. And it was absolutely perfect. I don't ever want to lose that.


But yeah.


I need to get out of my house. Like, now. I need to just move out and live with people that actually care about me and don't treat me like shit, like my friends, or Boyfriend, or something.

I need to go to C O L L E G E.


Thursday, November 12, 2009


Sorry about yesterday.
It was a pity party over here.


This NaBloPoMo is kinda killing me. Just a touch. But coffee cake takes away the pain.

So, Saturday, I'm going on a college visit. "But, Joey, you're a SENIOR. Shouldn't you have done that LAST YEAR?" Well, yes, kind sir or madam, but you see, this is my BOYFRIEND'S college visit. And it's our eleven months. And this was already planned, so this is all we could do together. But yeah. :)

Except for his mom's going to be there.

But oh well. So's his best friend. Which is cool, I guess, 'cause we're pretty close. Ish.

But yeah. There was a lot of drama for me to be able to go. My mom threw a hissy fit because she thought she or my dad should be the one to take me, which, yeah, it's true, but this isn't MY college visit. It's a college I might possibly look into after two years at the local community college, but this isn't MY college visit.

And yet, still, drama. Drama. Drama.

My mom's not exactly the best.

(Understatement of the century.)

But, brownie points for her that she's letting me go. So yeah. It's kinda a special day. And yeahhhhhhhh.

I have nothing else to ramble about right now. I have to walk an 80 pound chocolate lab in the cold, windy rain. So I guess I should get crackin' on that. UGH.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Just Want... be happy.

Is it too much to ask?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How Can Anyone Even Think That Infidelity is Okay?

Like, it boggles the mind.
Why on earth would you cheat on the person you're with? Like, if you're not happy with them, then get out of the relationship. Don't betray their trust. I don't care if they're a straight-up bitch. Then GET OUT OF THE RELATIONSHIP. Infidelity should never be an option.

I'm not saying it's totally unredeemable, but it makes you lose a whole lot of brownie points. Like, I'm sure there are some cheaters that are nice people and good friends, but it just makes them completely untrustworthy.

I just can't understand the mindset, you know? Like, what would drive you to do that? Just get out of the relationship. I just... I can't understand, and I can't imagine how bad that would hurt.

And it's mostly boys. Boys are such jerks.


I have to go back to school at seven tonight for some financial aid workshop for college. Ugh. I don't understand why it can't just be free, like public school. Why does getting somewhere in life have to be so ludicrously EXPENSIVE? Ya know?

But yeah.

Well, at least I get some time to actually stuff my face, unlike yesterday, where I went hungry for almost twelve hours D:

Ugh. Eff senior year. It's wayyyyy too expensive. I like the class of '11 better, anyway.

Please don't jump me.


Monday, November 9, 2009

So I Effed Up NaBloPoMo For Two Days

Okay, let's start off with Music Monday.

They're so CUTE.
Boyfriend introduced me to them. They're on Youtube and MySpace and they're a really cute duo, and not really well known. On their Youtube, they have countless covers, as well as original "videosongs," which is, basically, a music video in which you see every single instrument used in the song at least once. As I've said, they're not really well known, and I'm not sure if they're on any download software except Limewire, but they're really cute, and really catchy, and you should check 'em out.
Next order of business.
It was pretty creepy. But it wasn't terrifying. But it was really creepy. Like if you think about it, it's creepy. 'Cause I believe in aliens. And this one girl at school was like "I think it was demons." But no. Shush your Christian self.
I need to think of something to blog about to make up for my two day absence, but I can't sooo...
Three hours after school today.

Well, it was actually a little less, because I left early, but it was for journalism, and it was actually kind of productive, but still, I was effing STARVING.
And now my head kind of hurts.
So now I'll leave you to your regularly scheduled programming.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Fastest Post Ever (So Far)

Okay, this is going to be a five minute post, because Penguin - yes, Penguin, remember her? - have to go pick up her little sister from the bus stop.


I barely made it. But I did. So take that...self?

I'm kind of irritated, once again, about journalism. I wrote an article about Paranormal Activity and they took out my really cute last paragraph, and put in another paragraph about how the actors were on the Leno show. I mean, I don't mind, but like... Iunno. I liked the way I ended it. And they cut it out. And it was really cute D:

Oh well.




Gotta jet.



Thursday, November 5, 2009

NaBloPoMo is Very Hard to Do When You're Grounded From the Computer.

But, luckily, the lady whose dog I walk has a computer.
So take that, overbearing, controlling mother :)

So I'm kind of irritated.

The head of the journalism class or whatever at school is kind of on my ass about not having enough quotes. And paste-up is on Monday. As in, the paper is coming out next Friday. And she's JUST letting us know. Furthermore, no one would reply to our emails, and no one was coming to where the club that me and this guy were writing the article about, so we couldn't exactly talk to them, now could we?


This is so irritating.

I should've dropped the class when I had the chance. I'm tired of people being on my D!CK.


So, yeah, um, for today, I'm kind of groundedish from the computer because I was on it last night when I wasn't supposed to be, but my mom didn't say anything, so I figured it wasn't a big issue, right?

But, then, about half an hour later, she decides to flip a sh!t on me for being on the computer.

Wtf, mother.

Quit being bipolar and stop screaming at me when I haven't done anything wrong.

Okay, so MAYBE I told her to hop off. But, really, she tells me to do something twice while I'm in the process of doing it. The eff is that? Really? I'm not stupid.



I can't wait to have my own kids. I'm going to be an amazing parent. And I KNOW it. So take that.


I'm exhausted. I should probably nap, but I need to read, but I don't know. I just ate lunch and I'm still hungry and THIS POST IS SO RAMBLEICIOUS.

I'm shutting up now and letting you go about your day.




Wednesday, November 4, 2009




Okay, so the Music Monday band of the week is....


*hunts desperately for an amazing, not-so-well-known band*

Okay, you know what, I was gonna save this for a little later, but eff it, I love them so much, and really, they should've been the FIRST Music Monday.

Semi-Precious Weapons

Oh, yes.

Yes, yes, YES.

Okay, so they're not that pretty.

And, okay, so his voice is uh... unique, to say the least.

But their glam-rock, clearly-from-the-New-York-Village-style music always makes me feel better. I could be in the shittiest mood, and listening to them makes me feel like OHMYGOSHI'MSOAMAZING.

Yeah, they're kinda vulgar. So if you're prudish or whatever I'd recommend you don't listen. Especially since they have a song called "That's K*nt."

But yeah.


They're really original and unique, and they're opening for Lady Gaga (an absolute GODDESS) for a couple of her shows, and I'd kill to see them live.

Seriously, go on YouTube and look for their live shows. It's INSANE.

But um. Yeah. I love them so much. And yeah. Mkay.


2012 Might Actually Be the End of the World, If I Looked THIS Good In a Picture.


I'd like to inform you that, although John Cusack has another role in a movie, the end of the world is NOT coming in about two years.

And mythology class has given me proof.

Apparently, there's some tablet thingy that archaeologists found that shows that, while the Mayan calender ends at 12/21/2012, there WILL be a future to planet Earth. Around somewhere in the 4500's, I do believe, is the last date that was found.

So, that's one little piece of evidence against all you OHMYGAHTHEWORLD'SGONNAENDDDD wackjobs.

No offense. :)

Well, actually, that's about all the evidence that I know of. But I know some theories. Wanna hear 'em?!



Well, really, I only remember one. Okay, so think of the Milky Way like a pizza crust, right? And think of our solar system as like... a pepperoni, I guess. Now, speculation due to alignment of planets and stars and junk dictates that maybe, JUST maybe, come 12/21/2012, our pepperoni will start to descend into and below the pizza crust. But no one knows what'll happen if that happens.



Moving on.

So yes. The second part of the title.


Fabulous, no?

I'm sorry, but this picture was so amazing, I had to post it on something other than Facebook.

Girly on the left is Beatriz, my journalism/TV production/photography BFFL. And the person behind the camera is her cousin, Sasha, who's pretty amazing(ly erotic but she just doesn't know it yet).

So yeah. Um. I'm not ashamed to say that I kind of look incredible, and I'd bang Bea in a heartbeat kthnx.


I've really got to stop posting when I'm this tired.



Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Tire of Garlic Salt on my Mac 'n' Cheese.

Don't ask.
I'm so tired.

So I'm not going to lie. I saw Paranormal Activity on Sunday and it kinda scared the $#!t out of me. As in, I had to sleep with my light on that night, and a blue glowey lighting-thingy light last night. This is kind of disconcerting, because movies don't usually bother me like this. Except for The Strangers. So creepy.

But for real, for a $11,558 movie that was pretty much just bangs and stuff moving, it was really scary. It was so realistic, and there was no like, soundtrack and it was just... really scary. So yeah.

The full moon looks really creepy right now D:


I feel like I had something really interesting to say, but I don't remember what it was.


Okay, this has the opportunity to be really epic. At least, it would, if I had more readers.

So, I was checking my Facebook newsfeed, and I saw a status from Liam Rawrd (DiageoLiam) that kinda caught my interest. I've heard this question before, but I've never really given it any serious thought.

But enough with the suspensing. The question is: If there was a pill to make you go from gay to straight, or straight to gay, would you take it?

Hopefully, I'll get a lot of replies or some such thing with answers and explanations, but I'm not getting my hopes up. But I'll give my honest answer.

Yes, I would.

If I were "normal," I honestly think I would be a lot happier. Of course I'm happy with my boyfriend - immensely and indescribably - but I think I'm starting to kind of get a taste of how difficult this life may be to lead. Granted, by the time I get "out there," in the real world, it'll be 2014, and God knows how things may have changed by then.

(Assuming, of course, we make it past December 21st, 2012.)

(Note to self: Make a 2012 post tomorrow.)

But... I guess we'll just see how things play out, won't we?

Hopefully, everyone here knows this isn't some kind of a choice. No one chooses to be gay or straight. I certainly didn't ask for all of this familial drama, and if there were anyway to change it, I probably would, and I might be happier. But I guess we'll never know.

So, please, don't be shy. Leave a comment, or even post an answer on your own blog.




I'm unofficially becoming a sort of member of this NaBloPoMo nonsense. We'll just see how it goes.

Mkay. Bye now, lovelies.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What a Relief. No Swine Here.

I'm pretty sure it was just the common cold.
Whatever it was, it made me miss two days of school, which is real f&!!%*! annoying. -_- But today, I went back, and I really did not miss a whole lot. So I guess it's all good.

I'm still sneezing like a motherheffer, though.


But yes, I have not contracted the pig flu, so I'm not contagious. So don't be afraid to get to close. *sketchy eyebrow wiggle*

I don't know why I'm posting, honestly. My life is not that entertaining at the moment. Maybe THAT'S why I'm posting.


Meh. Oh well. I guess a little update never hurt anyone.

Oh, to be interesting....


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Music Monday.

I realize it's Tuesday.

I also realize that my head feels like it's been stuffed with cotton and my throat is very scratchy and I had to take the day off.

So hop off D: <


So anyway. I'm stealing this little idea from Twitter's trending topic, "Music Monday." How original, right? Well, I guess, since I'm doing it in blog format.

Take that, 140 characters or less.

So for this um... issue?... of Music Monday, I'd like to introduce you to a little band called Morningwood, that is slowly but surely gaining steam. Maybe you've heard of them. If you saw the Sex And The City movie, you heard one of their songs playing during the fashion show scene - New York Girls. This track is from their full debut album, named after their band. Other songs you might have heard are "Nth Degree" and "Take Off Your Clothes." A band with a unique style, led by frontwoman Chantal Claret, this indie rock/glam metal group is hard to resist. Check out their debut album, Morningwood, as well as their 4-track maxi-single, Sugarbaby. Their new album, Diamonds and Studs, is to be released sometime later this year.

So yeah. I'm gonna go drink some water and maybe tea, and maybe have some chicken noodle soup now.

Happy listening.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Oh Deary Me... Could It Be...? No, Not Possible... But Is It... SWINE?

Oh, dear God almighty in heaven above, I hope not.

I was so hot all day. Like, it was ridiculous. And in third period, it got unbearable. My head was throbbing every time I coughed - which was a whole lot - so I went to the nurse. I suppose the good news is that I don't have a fever. Or, at least, I didn't this morning.

Anyway. I've been toying with my webcam. And it's kinda a whole lot of fun, considering I haven't much toyed with it yet. Wanna see?

I HAVE A MASK. So exciting.


Who, I?


There are so many more pictures, but I really don't feel like putting them up.

Oh, and the person on the phone is Nikki. You know, my best friend? Yeah, her.

Anyway. I have no idea what I'm saying right now. I'm not feeling good, I'm tired, and I'm in a blah mood.



Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is It Just Me, Or Is Blogging Losing Steam?

I guess it's to be expected. I mean, it's the WRITTEN WORD, which is slowly, but surely, going out of style. Which sucks. But whatever. I mean, everything has its hayday. And I guess people are just too lazy to read, so they'd rather watch videos with random edits in them to make them look funny/dramatic/just flat out fancy.

I guess blogging just isn't as "in" as it used to be. Not if there aren't pretty pictures, anyway. So, without further ado, here's a picture... Hang on, lemme figure out how to get it on here from Facebook... godda---

Whoa. That's a whole lot of HTML.

Oh. Haha. It wasn't in "compose" view. Silly Joey, Blogger is for smart people.

But yes. Okay. Picture explanation time :)

(Sadly, I don't think I have any of me and Boyfriend D: Neither of us had cameras and yeah. But whatevs. Memories are all in the old noodle. And they are very spectacular memories.)

Okay. So the girl on the left is Mae, and I've been friends with her since freshman years - three years ago, people - and we're not exactly BFFs, but we're pretty close. And she looked GAWWWWJUS last night.

Girly on the right is cute little Myoung. I took a history class with her last year, and she made it very entertaining. :) SHE'S SO CUTE. All the tiny little Asian girls are such freaks on the dance floor, though. Or anywhere else for that matter.

And that amazingly snazzy dude in the middle? That would be yours truly. Yes, oh yes, I know, it was a fabulously STUNNING ensemble, picked out by none other than ME. And, the best part is, I had JUST learned how to tie a tie three nights before =D

(Picture curteousy of Myoung's phone, as used by the 12th grade administrator that had THE hardest time figuring out how to use it, Mr. Tyrell.)

But yes. My second and final homecoming was absolutely terrific. A lot of dancing, a lot of sweating, a lot of going out into the courtyard for fresh air, a lot of tiny bottles of water, and a lot of people simulating gratuitous, rough-ass sex on the dance floor.

And, NO, I was not one of them.


Except maybe with Rosie ;) Oh how I love my lesbian.


But dancing with Boyfriend was perhaps one of the best parts of the night. Amazingly sweet and just... amazing. GAH. *loveyloveymushygooeylove*

But, at the risk of embarassing myself further, I'll let you enjoy this first post in CENTURIES and then leave you to the rest of your day/night/whatever.

Adieu, dear Blogger.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Le sigh.

I am absolutely, positively aware of the fact that my posts have been getting fewer and farther between.

I am also one hundred percent, completely aware of the fact that I have a lottt of spare time to blog, considering I am taking one - count em, ONE - required class this year.

So sorry, for my like, two readers.

If even.

I can only dream of being famous on here.

And, sadly, the fact that I have an essay in that ONE REQUIRED CLASS just came to my attention.

Due tomorrow.



PS: I'll be back later. Mkay?

Saturday, September 19, 2009

I'm Still Alive. I Promise.

I know.

I know.

I have not been able to get on the computer, and it's a very long and complicated story that I REALLY do not feel like getting into right now that involves my trying-to-re-locate-her-marbles mother and a missed curfew.


Yes, Kanye West is a toolbox douchedrinking S.O.B.

Poor Taylor Swift.


Lady Gaga is effing SPECTACULAR. I love her as much as Katy Perry now.

She's not a man, so stfu.

Her outfits are terrifying, ugly, amazingly innovated, and inspired by monsters.

Best Lady Gaga site ever.

Abby thinks I'm her boyfriend, so our friendship is pretty much deceased.

I'm taking one required course - AP lit - and six other ones that are pretty much B.S., but most of them are enjoyable.

Especially photography. I love that class.

Now that you're all caught up...

I spent the day with this awesome girl Francesca today. We met in June at the SATs and haven't seen each other since. But we've kept in touch via Facebook, and we were FINALLY able to hang out.

It was quite the lovely day :)

Windowshopping at the mall, taking pictures on her laptop, having a Lady Gaga dance party, chilling with her boyfriend - which was shockingly not awkward - and coming home way too early.

So yeah.

L O V E L Y.


I really hope I get to do it again next weekend.

So yeah.


So yeah.



Monday, August 3, 2009

Oh, and by the way...

That last post was number one-hundred.

Thank you, lovely readers, for sticking around through one-hundred ramble-icious, whine-acious posts. More to come.




If There Are Any Filthy Rich People Reading this, Would You Mind Buying Me A Quaint Little Place to Live?

Yes, I just said "quaint."

But for seals, like... I can't live here after I turn eighteen. If I'm still stuck living with my mother... let's just say keep a lookout for the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Or seven. Or however many there are.

I'm tired of being controlled. And I'm tired of being yelled at and called a liar. And I'm tired of being told that I think with my dick. Not in so many words, but, you know, pretty much. No, I don't want to just spend some time with my boyfriend snuggling and watching TV, I'm a teenage boy, so I MUST only want to have sex with him!! Perfect sense, right?

If you agree, go away. Now.

So I really need a job so I can start saving up big time. It's only going to be minimum wage, but I think minimum wage is like, seven bucks an hour now... I just need to start saving for all the things I want. Maybe I'll get something published and rake some extra cash in for a piece of shit used car and the cheapest driver's ed I can find.

Or something.

I don't know.

Does anyone know how to get published?

PLEASE tell me if you do.


Friday, July 31, 2009

A Series of Heartfelt Letters, "Clever Girl Goes Blog" Style

Dear Maternal Unit,

Just because I am a teenage male does not mean I think solely with the WRONG HEAD.


Your Boyfriend-deprived child.


Dear Apple,

You suck. Like, really hardcore. I was talking about you with a Best Buy worker yesterday and apparently only iTunes would work on a Mac computer. Egotistical much? Especially considering your software SUCKS.


Someone who just got a sexy new 120 gig Zune.


Dear New Zune,

I love you dearly, and with your 30,000 song capacity, I'll never run out of space. However, that does not excuse you from keeping me up until the wee hours of the night, cramming music onto your slow-moving software.

Not that I'm complaining.

You run way better than Apple.


Your ecstatic owner.


Dear Grandmother,


In case you didn't put two and two together, that would be my ZUNE

Much love,

Your... grandson? Duh.


Dear Jackson Blanton Photographers,

It would be incredibly appreciated if you would put my senior pictures on your website already so they could be ordered, plus plastered all over Blogger/Twitter/Facebook.


Someone who didn't look half bad in the pictures you took.


((Clever Girl Goes Blog <3Tia))

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What the Hell? I Can't Take My Own Advice.

I need. To calm DOWN.

I spent all day with Boyfriend and two friends yesterday, and yet I feel like I barely saw him. I mean, granted, it had been a month and a half since the last time I saw him, and we were definitely attached to each other the whole time, but still... Iono.

I'm kind of pathetic, right?

-le sigh-

Moving on.



It's very exciting. She starts Tuesday, the 29th, and GAH!


One thing to be happy about in my messed-up, PMS-ish emotional state.


If any of you have gone to my YouTube, sorry that there's only one "vlog" or whatever. I kind of... don't have much to talk about?


I'll figure something out, though! For all you lovely people out there that give a hootinanny about me.




Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer's Almost Over...

...And I'm still jobless.

The hiring manager at Starbucks is on vacation all week this week, and I have two job applications to complete for places that I would need to bus to, but damnit, I need money.

I feel like a deadbeat! Especially since Boyfriend has a good-paying job. FML.

My mom had a second interview this past week for the same job, so it's looking REALLY good. Keep your fingers crossed for her?

Meanwhile, I'm sitting on the couch, watching Spongebob, needing a job myself. UGHHH. But, I've managed to get some writing done, at least :) Not a lot, but... well, enough, I guess?

I've posted my first vlog! And I need to do my second! GAH. I have a feeling I'm going to fail at vlogging again.

Oh, and to "Hello," who left that comment on my blog about iTunes, thank you!! I'll try to do that ASAP. :D

Anyway. Life has been so uneventful. I really don't bave much to blog about.... GAH again.


Thursday, July 9, 2009


I've done it! I've made another YouTube! Mwahahaha!
I have one video so far, and it's a cover of a song, so just ignore it. I'm going to start vlogging again soon.

A Heart In The Apple Tree




Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Odd Jobs, a Really Sweet Thought, and Crappy iTunes.

Babysitting: $40
Working for grandma: $50
Babysitting again this Friday: $25
Having $115: Priceless.

I really hope that math was right. But yeah.

I feel loaded.

Except for the part where I need a legit, regularly scheduled job. But still. Money :) The only thing is... I like buying things. I just hate SPENDING MY MONEY. Make sense?

Didn't think so.

Moving on.

I was chitchatting with Boyfriend last night, and he told me he wanted to take me to a Lady Gaga concert for my birthday, but it's on a school night, and it's in DC, so obviously, the madre's answer was a resounding NO.

It was such a sweet thought, though. :) I'm just so sad I can't go :\


iTunes. Anything "i" related. SUCKS. Really bad. So does Limewire. I need a Zune. Badly. The laptop needed to be like, restarted basically. Like, completely wiped clean. So I had my Limewire music saved on disks. And I put the music on iTunes, and it was all "Oh, by the way, we can't play this, because we can't find the original file."

Ftw? Why do you need the original file if I have it saved on a CD?

So yeah. I'm just going to start from scratch eventually. Stupid Apple...


Friday, July 3, 2009


So. I'm actually making money. Twenty-five bucks for babysitting a just-turned-seven-year-old for a day. Not too bad. 'Cause I don't have a job at all, and I'm tired of feeling USELESS. So now I'm actually doing something. Babysitting my good friend's little sister. Who happens to like anything and everything Disney channel, and all the popular singles. But it's cool. She's seven. She'll get more cultured.

I hope.

So anyway. I had to get up at 8:45, which is the earliest I've gotten up all summer. I've been up til three in the morning every... night?... since summer began. For no reason. So yeah. Coffee is currently my best friend.

Speaking of best friends, Penguin is planning an Ocean City trip on the seventeenth.

(For you non-east-coasters, Ocean City is the most favored beach by Marylanders because of it's supposedly fabulous boardwalk - I haven't been there in years, so I wouldn't know - and it's shockingly nasty water. I guess it's just kind of a late-teen-early-twenties hotspot?)

So Penguin just got her license, and she'd be driving me, Boyfriend, and his bestie (possibly). Only problem is... mommy doesn't like teenage drivers. So that's not gonna happen. Probably. And I reallyreallyreallyreally wanted to go :(

But meh. I suppose I'll get over it. Probably.

So I'll just sit here. Watching Hannah Montana while the Girlie Girl noms on some Doritos from her Camp Rock lunch box. But hey. I can't bitch. She's cool for a seven year old, and it's twenty five bucks. Plus more money next week for helping gramma out at work.


I have phone calls to make. There are places that I want to work, and I need to see if you can be under eighteen to work there. Like Borders. And a movie theater. And panera. And a whole bunch of other places.

So yeah.



Friday, June 26, 2009


So I used to have an account on the cam chat site, Stickam. And I recently re-activated it for the sake of seeing a friend's channel. I just recently found out that my digital camera works as a webcam on this laptop. Plus I have a mic. So I have my own channel. The URL is lame, 'cause it's old. But here's my link:

Joey's Stickam

I get on as much as possible. But I'm not famous. So no one gets on. Lol.


Ugh. I'm so tired of sitting here. At home. So far all summer, I've been sitting at home all day, maybe going out for a walk or run, but mostly sitting on the computer, watching TV, reading, writing, whatever. I'm so. Freaking. Bored.

I need a job. The grocery store is a pain in the ass, so I'm going to apply to CVS, McDonalds, Burger King, and Taco Bell/KFC next week. I just want money >< Lol.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Oh Me, Oh My... A New Obsession?



Why is this show so amazing?

I watched the pilot when it came on CBS during the writer's strike. And I thought it suckedish. But now, I'm watching it on Showtime OnDemand with my cousin, who's visiting from Pittsburgh for the week, and it's quite addictive.


Showtime is so amazing. I need to start watching Weeds from the beginning. And Dead Like Me was such an amazing show. I'm so sad it's gone. I've been getting it on Netflix. Only two seasons :\

United States of Tara isn't coming back til next year.... Gah. It is t3h suckz0rz. Because that show is amazing.

But yeah.

So I only had three exams. And school is out. And I haven't seen Boyfriend in like, ten days, which really sucks. But I'm just glad to be so chill now, without school. Although I have summer reading and math stuff. Grr. And possibly a job.

I need to call the grocery store today, speaking of......



Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Graduation of Penguin

Before I begin: I have finished the third installment of my Anita Blake-type series.

(Laurell K. Hamilton, don't sue - I assure you, it's no more similar than the Sookie Stackhouse series. You're just so inspiring.)

I finished at like, 2:00something today. And it's too short. Only 99 pages. Grrr. It shall become longer, though!

So yes.

On with the... what the title says.


My bestest friend in the whole wide world... has graduated. This past Friday was the seniors' last day. So no more seeing Penguin every single day in the stairway. -tear- Why couldn't she just fail this year so she could stay back?


Oh, right. She has a future. Damnit.

But really, a whole bunch of my friends were seniors, and I'm going to miss them all. I have few friends in my own class, and that was probably a strategical error on my part.


So... yeah. Penguin is gone, never to return again.

Except for the part where she only lives ten minutes away, and I know both her numbers by heart. BUT STILL.

-le sigh-



Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Almost Finished :D

This is it.
In about 9,248 words, my third book will be finished. It'll probably go a little over, but... GAH! Finally! This has been the hardest one to write so far. And. I'm. Almost. Done.

*breaks out the non-alcoholic champagne*

It'll be finished before summer :) Hehe.

Moving on.

So. The Nightly News is blaring in the background. And stupid liberal-as-hell California decided to uphold Prop 8.


One of the most liberal states in the country... with like, Homo-Central (San Francisco) and everything. And they're upholding Prop 8.

*lesigh* I will never understand ignorance.

But at least the like... what, 8,000 gay couples that got married, stay married? So that's goodish.

Sorry, didn't mean to go all activist on you.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Idol Is Rigged. It's Final.

As if it wasn't final before, when Daughtry lost.

Adam Lambert should have won, since Allison didn't. I think the Adam part is the general consensus. Personally, I liked Allsion because she's like Pink, and I heart Pink :)

But then I stopped to think... Adam didn't win... So he's not under contract with Idol... so he can do whatever with his music :D He's not bounded by legalities.

Personally, I think they rigged it so he'd lose because he's not the image Idol wants. He's got the whole goth-rocker thing going on, and they want that boy-next-door kinda thing. Everyone thinks the gay thing is such an issue, but really, if it was, would he have gotten as far as he did? Probably NOT.

Everyone you ask is going to tell you that they voted Adam. Well, not everyone. But most. Which means that... Idol's rigged :) Duh.

I professed that I was done with the show last season, but then it drew me in again this year, in the final... five, was it? I mean, I didn't watch beginning to end, but I caught bits and pieces.

Still ticked that Allison didn't get to the top three -_-


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hey hey hey.

Well, hello, little children. Would you like a piece of candy? :)


So I think therapy is helping the madre a bit. 'Cause she actually let me hang out with Boyfriend, Penguin, and Ari (haven't come up with a nickname for her yet XD) until 11:00 last night. Which is a big step for her. Especially since she never really let me go out all that much. But I think this whole "negotiation" thing is working. I dunno. Like, if I do something (i.e. clean the bathroom) she'll let me go out without question. I dunno, it's just like... yeah, I think therapy is kind of helping, even though I didn't really think it would? Hm.

So yeah. Last night was cozy. We all started watching "A League of Their Own" which about put everyone but Ari to sleep. "It's my favorite movie!" she said. -eyeroll- Whyyyy?
Then a trip to the thrift store, Safeway, and then... back to the house. Where we started Saw III, ate some ice cream, and started Candyman (worse movie ever... one of them). But it was cozy :) Boyfriend and I hogged the couch, Penguin and Ari had the floor, and Ari fell asleep. Penguin drew a smiley face on her exposed thigh before we left, and she still didn't wake up.



But like, how are you all doing? Go ahead, leave a comment - I don't bite :)

Oh, and bytheby, Tia, your fabulousity outranks mine by FARRRR :P


Friday, May 15, 2009

This Applies to Anyone Reading This

If you have a problem with anything I'm saying, ANYTHING at all... Then don't read this blog. Okay? If you intend on commenting rude things, go for it, but you're wasting your time and energy, because they're just going to get deleted. Just hop off my blog if you don't like me, be it personal or otherwise.

Grow up. Get a life. Honestly, if you're sitting there reading some blog and then dissing the person via blog comment, you must be pretty pathetic. If you think you're so much better than me, prove it - go the fuck away.

I haven't done anything to anyone but talk about my life - it's like a public journal sort of thing, it's an outlet. If you're not interested, or you think it's dumb, or if you thing I'M dumb, then don't waste you're time reading it. If you think something I say doesn't make sense, then fine - I don't care. Don't sit there and waste you're time telling me shit that I really don't care about, and that's not going to do you any good.

Really, just, grow the hell up.

That's my little tirade for today.


Thursday, May 14, 2009


Dear "ChristEven,"

What's with the bitter comments? Can you stop being a bitch? Kthnx. What did I do to elicit your rude responses? Um... I blogged? Wow. I guess that deserved your shiz?

First off, "special" was spelled wrong on purpose. Duh. I'm not that retarded.

Second, don't sit there and call me a hypocrite - just because I hang out with someone a lot doesn't mean my life "revolves" around them. Jesus.

Speaking of Jesus, you can't sit there and talk shit about me, because you think you're... Christ? Ego much?

And if you clean up oil spills for a living, what are you doing sitting there reading a 16 year old's blog?



Someone who needs you to go away now :D


Moving on.

I snuck on Blogger at escuela real quick in the media center. Badass, right? -sarcasm- Anyway, yeah, I'm supposed to be filming this thing for TV production, but people are using the room we need sooo... Boredom :D

But yeah.


Oh! And to Clever Girl Tia's question, I guess... that's fine? Haha. I mean, at least it's people you know and are close to, and you're generalizing. It's not like you're dehumanizing them, I guess? I dunno. That didn't make any sense XD

So yeahhh.

I'ma hop off now.



Monday, May 11, 2009

New Blog Plug, "Gay" Tirade, and AP Exams... My, What a Busy Post.

Okay, first thing first:

Skyline of Fruit. Blog that me and Nikki Skyline are doing. Go follow. Now. Kthnx. It's just getting started, but... yeah. Kay.

Second order of business: (It's out of order in the title, 'cause I'm saving the tirade for last)
AP Exams. Holy. Shiz. I have one tomorrow at noon, and one the next day at 8:00 AM. GAHHH. AP Psych and AP Language+Composition. Shitshitshitshit. I don't wanna. Please don't make me. I got a 3 on my mock AP psych, so I need to CRAMCRAMCRAM tonight.

Now for the tirade.


He is not "a" gay. He is simply gay.

"Hold on, Joey. Saywhatnow?"

-sigh- Okay. So I was reading the prologue to some story on a writer's forum, and one of the characters was introduced as "a" gay. Gay is not a noun. It is an adjective, not to be confused with the word "stupid." For example of the latter, an object cannot be "gay" - it does not have sexual attrection to the same gender. Mmmkay?

That's just the half of it.

As for the other half - you can't be "a" gay. Gay is not a thing. Gay is what someone is. So you can't be "a" gay. I don't know how to make it any clearer.

How about this?

Wrong: "He is a gay."
Right: "He is gay."

Voi la.

It's really not that hard.



Saturday, May 9, 2009

After Promizzle

So me and the Twin talked it out after a record six days without talking. And we're good. I dunno how long it's going to be til I wanna be THAT close to her again, because... well, I don't want to be that relied upon. And she gets it, thank God. At least, I hope.

So last night was prom. And I didn't go. But I went to AFTER prom with Penguin at Dave & Busters. 'Twas fun. I was out 'til four in the morning. I felt SO HARDCORE. XD But it was a lot of fun. And then Penguin's mom picked us up and her and Penguin started like, screaming in these ridiculous accents. And it was incredibly hilarious. I haven't laughed that hard in forever. I had tears rolling down my face.


For the second time in two years, I have a poem in the literary magazine :) I feel SPESHUL. Except for the part where people whose poems absolutely SUCKED got in, too. So that kind of killed my confidence a little.

But yeahhh.


This was... short?


Monday, May 4, 2009

Drama Was Supposed to Cease LAST Year.

"My life cannot revolve around her and her schedule. I'm sorry that I have other friends that I like to hang out with, too, and... yeah. So gah. I mean, we're "okay" for now. But like... yeah. I dunno."

You may or may not remember that from my last post. If you don't, see the one right below this one. It's not that hard. Yeah, see, that whole "issue" kind of came back to bite me in the ass and exploded into a million tiny little fragments.

My friendship with Abby is over.

She wanted me to go with her and her mother to get her car's oil changed at 9:00 in the morning. Wtf? Sorry, I wouldn't have fun doing that with ANYONE. Nonetheless, to appease her, I asked my mom, who gave a resounding "no," for which I thanked her later. Abby proceeded to flip a sh!t, and in the process of her doing so, I hung up on her.

Later, I went out for a walk. She saw me and asked me if I wanted to go with her to get her brother. Sure, was my reply, I have nothing better to do. So we're walking, I'm listening to music, no one is talking. She thinks I'm ignoring her, so she tells me to go away. So I do. Later, she calls me telling me that if I cared, I would have stayed, to which my reply was "I don't care - if someone tells me to go away, I'm not going to stick around." Of course, all she heard was "I don't care" and hung up on me.

So blah say blah say blah, this and that, and while I'm watching Carrie for one-fifth of a psychology project with the Penguin and her BFFL, my mom calls me to tell me that Abby called HER crying and basically putting my MOTHER in the middle of it.


So Abby proceeds to text Penguin about eight bajillion times saying "tell Joey this and that and this."


Every time I can't do something with HER, every time I have plans with someone that's not HER, she gets pissed off, because I'm not revolving my life around HER. And everytime, she says "Oh I'm sorry blah blah" after her usual guilt trips and pity parties. So why is this time any different, I ask?

It's not.

So yeah.



So yeah. For the past two weeks, I have been going to Penguins house to watch movies for a psychology project, in which we watch five movies with a partner (off of a list of HUNDREDS of movies) and write a report on the mental disorders one or more of the characters have. So far we've only managed to watch Secret Window, and Carrie. We watched the latter this past weekend, as previously mentioned, and towards the end, Carrie is sitting in a bath tub, rinsing the pig's blood off of her. Penguin's brother comes out of his room, sees this, and, like the typical straight male he is, cries BOOBIES! and runs upstairs to say MOM, THEY'RE WATCHING PORN!
Penguin's mom shrugs this off, but as Carrie stabs her mother, and her mother begins to make awfully orgasm-ish moaning sounds, Penguin's mother cries, "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU WATCHING!?"



So yeah. That's been... life, lately.

I really want to make a blog with Penguin and Nikki Skyline, but Penguin doesn't blog, and Nikki... well, she barely does.



Sunday, April 19, 2009

I Need To Get IN SHAPE.

Okay, so I'm not like. Big. But I'm a little bit overweight. And I have pudge. And Boyfriend says he likes the pudge. So I'm kinda like... oh, I don't care. But turns out, I might be lifeguarding this summer. So um... I'm not gonna sit around a poll with my stomach hanging over the waistband of my swimtrunks, kthnx. And I know lifeguards wear shirts. But uhm... Then I'll have a farmer's tan. And that'll just be ewey.

Except for the part where, to be qualified, you have to swim twelve (yes, twelve) laps straight, and then get a ten pound weight from the bottom of the deep end, up to the surface, and swim it across the pool. Blow my life. I think I'm screwed.

Thing is, I think it'd be kinda fun. And it pays really well. So like. It couldn't hurt. I'm going to try. I'm just really nervous. Like, I don't want to start working til the summer. 'Cause my grades were good for third quarter, but now they're kinda... slippingish.

Oh. Okay.

So the Twin (aka BFF main girl Abby - told you I'd get a new name soon) and I got into a fightish thing today. She wanted me to go to this carnival thing with her and her madre and her brother, and my mom was like "No," and the Twin got all pissed off and going on this whole "Your mom doesn't trust me or my parents" thing and it's like... No. Sometimes, mother dearest just says no. Chill. And she's all mad at me because, basically, I have friends and she doesn't.

My life cannot revolve around her and her schedule. I'm sorry that I have other friends that I like to hang out with, too, and... yeah. So gah. I mean, we're "okay" for now. But like... yeah. I dunno.

Hm. A hot shower sounds quite appealing.



Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Break... Not So Break-alicious.

This did not feel like spring break. It felt like a very long, boring weekend. From Friday evening to Monday morning, I was in Manhattan. This was slightly entertaining. It was fun being in a new city that I've only been to once - years ago, so I don't even remember - and it was just... fun. I dunno. I liked it. It woulda been more fun with friends, though.

I saw none of my friends over break. Except BFF main girl Abby (once again, props to Clever Girl Tia for the witty nickname; I'll change it up eventually, I swear). I went outside with her for an hour and a half the other day and chilled. But I didn't get to see the Penguin, or Boyfriend, who was in Williamsburg all break... So wasn't having much fun, either.

It's 11:05 PM, and I have an 88 question study guide to finish. I'm on question... 40. I did a 96 question study guide yesterday and the day before. Stupid psychology -.-


Yeah. I'm ready to go back to school, but only 'cause I miss everyone. And yeah. So I've spent all my break doing... nothing? I might be seeing my friend Joey tomorrow, as well as Abby. But Iono.

This wasn't the Best Break Ever. And I only have one more high school spring break. So that one better be DAMN enjoyable.

So since I was without Facebook for a while, I thought I'd have like, a million notifications and such. But when I got on the other day, after my foray in NYC, I only had 18 notifications. I'm unloved :(

Hah. As if. :)


I've found another series to break me away from my Anita Blake obsession. Except for the part where I'm still totally obsessed. But it's that series that the HBO hit show (that I have yet to see more than ONE episode of -.-) True Blood. I saw the first episode, and I REALLY liked it. I'm reading the first book in this "Sookie Stackhouse series," (who names their child Sookie? Why would you do that? Do you WANT them to be bullybait?) and I like it and all. I'm just not a huge fan of Charlaine Harris' style. It's cute, though :)

I got the 14th Anita Blake, though. And I've read one chapter. And I'm like... :OOO. And I really want to read it. But I have to finish Sookie Stackhouse. Then I'm trying to finish Stephen King's "Insomnia." So I'm like... GAHHHH. "Insomnia" is good and all, very interesting, but it's NOT ANITA BLAKE.

Okay. I sound like a HUGE EFFING NERD RIGHT NOW with my book-talk. Um. Sorry? ><


Okay. I REALLY need to finish this study guide. Well, not finish... but work on? 'Cause this one's not due till Wednesday.







No I'm not.

I'm upset about something :(

My mommy limited my texting. Yeah. I "text too much." And I do. One month it was... upwards of 8000 [blush]. But I cut back by like, 3000! So last month it was around 5000!! :D

But alas, now I only get 1500 a month. So goodbye, Twitter :( GAH.

It's so upsetting.



Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Matza Crackers and Peanut Butter - And I'm Not Even Jewish!!

Someone explain to me why people think matza is tasty. Because I do not see (erm... taste?) it. At all. It tastes like cardboard. And it's only good with peanut butter.

(As everyone knows, cardboard is very tasty with peanut butter. Peanut butter is one of the three things that makes a whole lot of foods taste better :D Including parmesan cheese and garlic salt.)

So I had an orthodontist appointment today. And I was informed that I no longer have to come in anymore. I simply have to wear my retainer one night a week - although, the doctor told me I only had to wear it when I thought it was necessary. I'm MATURE ENOUGH TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT MY TEETH!! :D

But, alas, another chapter in my life comes to an end... I've been seeing said orthodontist office since I was a wee lad (11 years old, to be precise - I got my braces on around November of 2003). It's the end of an ERA!!!

Thank. Fudging. GOD.


I am very excited. I have commenced work on a new story, and I am utterly enthralled with my ability to keep it from drifting into supernaturalness!! But I find the story quite lovely, so far, even though it makes virtually no sense.


I'll figure it all out :)

It sucks, though, because I've reallllly wanted to write lately, and I've had a writer's block. I mean, it'll go away for like, a day, then it'll come back, and I'll be just as D:< grrr as ever.

So grrr to you, writer's block.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Chin Is Itchy :(


Currently: Listening to Dresden Dolls on YouTube. Binge much?

So mommy found out about Facebook. And blogs. And she's all "I'm impressed with your writing" and I'm all :D *flattered*

Even though it's... my mother?

**awkward turtle**
You wouldn't understand



So I've been having mood swings lately. If I was a girl, I'd say I was PMSing. But I'm not. So I'm not. But like. Yeah. Yesterday morning til this morning before I got to school, I was pissed at the world. Then I got to school and everything was super-spectacular. Um? B.I.P.O.L.A.R. Kthnx.

I'm trying to learn how to play piano :O Isn't it E'CITING?!?!? Of course, I'm failing epically, but practice Practice PRACTICE.


I need to get this CD so I don't have to listen to it on YouTube. But the stupid freaking wifi isn't freaking working, and I only have Limewire on the laptop, and TALIGHASG eff Verizon. They SUCK.




Done rambling for today, methinks.

Tee tee why ell.


Friday, March 20, 2009

The School Paper Loves Joey =]

Hey. Everyone that reads this that goes to my school. You know who you are. I'm not about to broadcast what school I go to on the interwebz. There are such things as pedophiles, you know. They're gross.

So yeah. You people that go to my escuela. Turn to the "Beat Attitude" section. Right now. I think that's right. Haha. It's the first article. About blogging.



It's so exciting. First my blog is "In," and now I've been interviewed for the school paper - and my words were RECOUNTEDDDD!!!

Woot fersure.

So yeah. Once again, I'm alone on a Friday night, while Penguin, Boyfriend, and his two besties chill at his house. I am SO FRIGGING JEALOUS. Ugh. ALhasglsajg. I miss them all. 'Specially... well, guess who :P


So I'm stuck at my dad's house, on the computer. No one's on AIM or MSN. Or Facebook. Fudge my life.


Fudge sounds tasty.

And I really want this tortilla chicken soup from Panera. Omnomonomnomnom...


So I have exciting news. I know 99.9% of you don't like, legit care. But I think my mom is finally starting to get it. It might've helped that I told her if I had somewhere else to live, I would. But there were several reasons I didn't want to move in with dad:
1) I'd miss my dogs.
2) He's not as chil about Boyfriend as mom is.
3) It's a big house - that means more chores.

But I think telling her that opened her eyes. Because I'm sick of her saying that I care more about my friends than her. First of all, my friends didn't give birth to me. So yeah. Second, she's taking this "you're going to leave me one day" to a whole new level.

I dunno. THere's other stuff. But just... yeah.

So yeah. I think I might be able to have more of a social life. And I think I might actually get to see Boyfriend outside of school. Which would be frigging SPECTACULAR.

My psychology teacher assigned a 97 question study guide on Wednesday, due Monday. Thursday, I got home from school. I watched some TV. Then at 4:00, bored as all hell, I commenced on the study guide. I got 32 questions done by 5:00, at which time I went to Panera and sated my dire need for a frontega chicken panini - choosing to ignore my need for the chicken tortilla soup, forgetting you could "pick two." I got home at about 6:15, at which time I re-commenced work on the study guide. At 8:00, I watched a little bit of the previous night's Lost. Truthfully, I'm starting to hate the show. The only reason I still awtch it is to find out what the hell is going on. At 8:30, we had an online test for psychology. 60 questions. Didn't study that much. Thought I didn't know half the stuff.

I got an 88.8%. That's the highest I've EVER gotten on a psychology test.

At 9:00, I resumed the study guide. At 10:30, I talked to the madre for an hour. At 11:30, I study guide-ed some more. At 11:45, I took a shower. at 12:00 am, I finished the last seven questions of the ninety-seven question study guide.

I think the fact that the sexual orientation section was quite interesting (and thanfully the farthest thing from ignorant) helped quite a bit.

Today, I had a unit test in biology. I think I got a B. I had two quizes in AP english. I think I got two A's. Then a quiz in theater. It's theater, so probably 100%. My grades are the best they've been all year. First quarter's GPA was 2.85. Second quarter's GPA was 2.57. Right now, I have 5 B's and 2 A's, which averages out to a 3.28.

I'm doing infinitely better, and it's making me feel infinitely better.

Life isn't too bad right now.



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hullo :3

I miss blogging. And I miss writing. I haven't written in a very long time. It's slightly upsetting. But I haven't gotten an opportunity to get on the laptop, upon which my various assortment of works are stored... Even though I was just on... So I could've put the stuff on my jump drive... CRAP.


I just tried to call Verizon - our internet provider - to try to work out the CONSTANT problems we've been having with the WiFi. So, after fifteen minutes of listening to a machine ramble about restarting my modem might help - something I've done for the umpteenth time now - and about how my call is important to them - something that's just utter B.S. - I am told that "all technicians are currenly with other customers. We value your call and -"

Of course I hung up. What do I look like, an idiot?

Don't answer that.


We were reading Huckleberry Finn for AP English. So I've been neglecting my lovely Anita Blake. I've been reading the twelfth book for several months now and I really want to finish it. But it's 730 pages and I've been mega-distracted by socializing.


But yeah.

Grr... Boyfriend's phone broke. So I'm without him until next Thursday. Except at school. Upsetting much?


But yeah. That's about it. Maybe I'll go write.


I'll probably talk to the Penguin.


Saturday, March 7, 2009

If It's This Hard, It's GOT To Be Worth It

This week has been a total emotional roller coaster. I was so glad to talk things out last night, and I think things my be smooth-going for a while. My mom is still being ridiculous, but... oh well. I can't push her into acceptance. No one can make this any easier. But since it's so hard, that's got to mean something, right? This relationship has had so many bumps because of restrictions, that it's got to be worth it, in the end... right?

I think so. I really do.

But anyway, onto a totally different tangent...

I was reading Tia's blog - as per usual whenever I get on Blogger, which is quite rare nowadays, thanks to previously mentioned restrictions - and there was a post about the upcoming New Moon movie (more specifically, the poster with Robert Pattinson baring his chest and stomach to all the prepubescent girls of the world). Well, I may want to see the rest of the movies as they come out, but..........


It's sooooo frigging obnoxious anymore. All this paraphenalia (I totally spelled that wrong) glaring at me from every clothing store and book store... IT'S SO OBNOXIOUS!! Twilight is not worth this much hype. Stephanie Meyer is a good writer an all, but how about you give her some recognition for The Host? You know, her BETTER, DEEPER, MORE MEANINGFUL, AMAZINGLY WELL WRITTEN book? Twilight is well written and all, but it's ridiculously unoriginal and just... obnoxious!! So not worth it....

Okay. Rant over :]

So yeah.

I have a psych study guide due Monday. I reallllly should be doing that. I only have like, 15/57 questions done... It's actually short, for an AP psychology study guide... I kind of was a bitch in that class on Thursday. That was not a good day for me. So I kind of feel bad. And I should probably apologize. But like... Hm. I dunno. I feel bad for being mean to the teacher, though. But for seals, don't try to get me to do anything when I have my head down on my desk. I like, never sleep in class. So he shoulda been like "oh... something's wrong."

No, I'm not expecting too much. Shut up.



Saturday, February 28, 2009

I Am So Tired: Part Dos

So yesterday, I was supposed to go to my friend Ari's house with my Pet Lesbian Penguin, Becca, and Boyfriend. My mom was going to drive me there so she could see there was "adult supervision," and maybe even meet Boyfriend.

I informed my mom that Ari's parents would not be there, but instead, it would be her aunt - a perfectly responsible adult. But no. It was not Ari's mom, so it was not good enough.

I am tired of not only not being able to see Boyfriend outside of school, but Pet Lesbian Penguin - my best friend. I miss her like crazy and I haven't hung out with her outside of school in forever. This would've been a PERFECT opportunity because it would've been SO much fun.

But once again, mother dearest is "not comfortable." It's like she's trying to find excuses to impede on my social life.

She just makes me so angry sometimes.

I hate the weekends.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Guilt ><

My dad's making an effort to get closer to me, I think. Like, he asks - whenever I come over here - if there's anywhere I'd like to go. But I can never think of anything!! And I just feel so guilty. After everything blew up a month or so ago, I mean, I think he does want to make an effort. But I can never think of anything to do, anywhere to go. Just like. Ugh. I don't particularly like my dad a lot of the time - especially not recently - but I just have like, the guiltiest conscience in the world. Ever.


This is frustrating.

Oh, and it doesn't help that his wife decided to lecture me on how I'm "fucking away" my high school career half an hour ago. Like, what the eff. The only reason my grades sucked last semester is because my bio and precalc teachers were shitty, and I'm taking two AP classes. But no, apparently, I care more about my social life. And she's trying to make me so cynical, like, "your friends aren't going to be there for you when you need them." I'm not planning on relying on my fucking friends for support. Goddamn. I'm not that fucking retarded.

Just... Ugh.


Friday, February 20, 2009

I Am So Tired.

This shit is really getting on my last nerve. I'm not allowed to go out with my boyfriend because my mom isn't fucking comfortable with it. I'm not asking for overnight acceptance. I'm asking for to be able to GO OUT WITH MY BOYFRIEND. Is it really too much to ask?

I'm tired of being "restricted." I can only get on the Internet when I'm at my dad's anymore. Mom's telling me she'll let me on if I call Verizon and sort this wifi bullshit out, but I did it last time. So why the FUCK can't she do it? She pays the goddamn bills.

I am so fucking tired and so fucking pissed off. Is it too much to ask... UGHHH. I'm kind of pretty jealous right now because my Pet Lesbian Penguin and two of my other friends - Boyfriend's BFFLs - are over at his house and I'm at my dad's and I'm not allowed at his house and UGHHHH BLOW MY FUCKING LIFE.

I just miss him like crazy. Constantly. I can never see him outside of school. And just. Ugh. Mother dearest needs to CHILL THE FUCK OUT.

I'm really tired of this.

And I'm tired of missing my two favorite blogs :(



Sunday, February 8, 2009

One day.

Today is definitely better.
And things will go as they're supposed to.
One day, there won't be any problems.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

I Can't Stand This.

I don't blame my mom for not trusting me. But now I'm never going to be able to be alone with my boyfriend. The only way were if my mom were to meet his mom and be sure that his mom was going to be at the house while I was there. And he doesn't want to deal with that. I mean, neither do I, but sometimes you've just got to bite the bullet.

It's not even about sex, you filthy perverts. It's just... wanting to be alone. I just hate this so much. Blah.


Friday, February 6, 2009



I know I've been gone. I've been severely grounded. Long story, and I really don't feel like publicizing it. Suffice it to say my dad now know's I'm a full-blown GAY MALE.

I think he was just unhappy with the fact that I "lied to him" by not telling him sooner. But he doesn't understand that I didn't think I could tell him. It's just not easy, you know?

So yeah.

I've been without the computer for about a month. I got my phone back a week or so ago. This all happened about a month or so ago. So yeah.

That's pretty much all that's happened.

But yes, I'm still alive.

I don't have the patience to catch up with everyone's blogs.

So Same Idea, Different Words and Clever Girl Tia, I'm sorry mostly to you two, because I mainly read only you two.

Except for Nikki. But she never posts.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

MySpace Sucks

It does.
So does Facebook.
So why do I have Facebook?
And why did I get MySpace back last night?

Months ago, I deleted my MySpace with no intentions of getting it back. Lately, I've had the urge to get MySpace back.
Nikki peer pressure-ized me into getting it back, and so... here it is:

Joey's MySpace

I don't know why I did it. No one uses it. Blech.


So yeah.



Monday, January 5, 2009

Let's Steal From A Bestie =D

So one of my best friends,
Nikki, wrote a blog called "Reflecting 2008." The title is pretty self-explanatory. So I thought I'd grand theft blogpost this jaunt and revamp it to make it my own.

Sorry, Nikkster. I had to.


Reflecting 2008 [[~J*~ edition =D]]

2008 seemed like more than just one year. Now that I'm sitting here, in front of my re-working PC, it seems like a billion mini-years, glued into one year of messiness that I can barely remember. At the beginning of 2008, I was in the second half of my sophomore year. Tenth grade really was not anything exciting. The only "exciting" thing that happened occured at the tail end of 2007, when my ex decided to start talking to me again.

Looking back, so much of that drama was not worth it. So not worth it. I don't even remember half - no - any of it. It was all pointless. If I lost friends, I don't remember them, and that's all well and good, because quite frankly, if they've been out of my life this long, then they can stay out.

At the tail end of sophomore year - actually, it might have been the beginning of summer break - I got in touch with an old friend of mine - for a second time. I would say this was a mistake - everything was about him, and I was sick of it - but it led to one of the best things in my life.

This guy's name was Patrick. I had been friends with him in elementary school. He'd lost both his parents, and was living with his grandmother, who spoiled the hell out of him. Then, all of a sudden, in 5th grade, he stopped showing up at school. No one was living in his grandmother's house.

It took me three years to him on MySpace. His grandmother was in a home and he was living with a foster family. I didn't realized how fucked up he was for a year, and in my freshman year, we stopped talking for a couple months. He Facebook'd me an apology, and I stupidly accepted. We were friends up until that fateful summer after sophomore year.

Patrick introduced me to someone via Facebook who I "might be interested in." As soon as I start talking to this person, Patrick tries to steal him for himself. Now, while I was not interested in this person (at the time, anyway), it still royaly pissed me off, and I finally cut him out of my life.

That was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Up until then, he'd been nothing but an attention whore, and everything had been about him. I was D.O.N.E.

At the beginning of junior year, the person that Patrick had led me to meet via Facebook began to sit in our happy little stairway crew (XD). Dramadramadrama, fightfightfight, then one magical night at a friend's party, and WHA-BAM, insta-amazing-boyfriendness. I mean, I'd liked him before then, but I guess I kinda didn't know it, you know? I dunno, I was stupid. But now I'm uber happy with him :3


That didn't happen until December. So, basically, all of last year - for the most part - was... well... lame? Haha. Here's hoping this year will be infinitely better.



Saturday, January 3, 2009

Travis McCoy Is A Douche.

Dear Travis McCoy, of Gym Class Heroes:


Look, asshole.

Don't blame the AMAZING GODDESS THAT IS KATY PERRY because you instigated petty fights, and don't you DARE humiliate her by making a rap about breaking up with her?!?!

Have you ever thought that maybe it was YOU that was immature?!? Maybe it was YOUR fault that things ended like that! Maybe YOU were the one who pissed her off! AT LEAST SHE WAS FAITHFUL! AT LEAST SHE WASN'T SOME HARDCORE BITCH TO YOU!

She deserves so much better, you know? She deserves infinetly better than your ugly, sorry, thugish ass. She makes you feel stupid because she can actually speak ENGLISH, and - you said it yourself - your English sounds as if it comes from a garbage can? SHE'S NOT TRYING TO MAKE YOU FEEL STUPID, YOU JERK! YOU DECIDE TO MAKE YOURSELF LOOK LIKE A DUMBASS, AND NOW YOU REALLLLY HAVE BY FUCKING UP THIS RELATIONSHIP!!





Now that my Chris Crocker moment is over...

Yeah. Travis McCoy and Katy Perry broke up. I guess Perez Hilton proved himself somewhat useful with this bit of juicy gossip. Even though, you know, I can't stand him. But that's my problem.


Hey, I'm kinda wicked bored. I really want to do something right now, and today is the second to last day of break. I was going to go to the mall with my friend Joey, but he has to watch his little sister, and I don't know how long that's going to take. I've texted him like, three times, but I get IGNORED. Jerk.

Abby's dad isn't letting her go outside because they're "going somewhere," which is probably half-B.S., but it's all good... sorta... I just wanna chill with someone! And I miss Abby like crazy. We just hung out yesterday, but like, it was her, me, and Joey, so it wasn't really just me and her. But no. She can't go out. Grrrrrrr.

And Sam is sick. Yeah. There's some stomach thing going around. And stomach things scare me. I don't like them. At all. They hurt. Yeah. So I kinda don't wanna go out, but I do at the same time. We'll see.

We will see.


So yeah. Maybe mall later? I can hope.

If Joey ever texts me back.

