Friday, March 20, 2009

The School Paper Loves Joey =]

Hey. Everyone that reads this that goes to my school. You know who you are. I'm not about to broadcast what school I go to on the interwebz. There are such things as pedophiles, you know. They're gross.

So yeah. You people that go to my escuela. Turn to the "Beat Attitude" section. Right now. I think that's right. Haha. It's the first article. About blogging.



It's so exciting. First my blog is "In," and now I've been interviewed for the school paper - and my words were RECOUNTEDDDD!!!

Woot fersure.

So yeah. Once again, I'm alone on a Friday night, while Penguin, Boyfriend, and his two besties chill at his house. I am SO FRIGGING JEALOUS. Ugh. ALhasglsajg. I miss them all. 'Specially... well, guess who :P


So I'm stuck at my dad's house, on the computer. No one's on AIM or MSN. Or Facebook. Fudge my life.


Fudge sounds tasty.

And I really want this tortilla chicken soup from Panera. Omnomonomnomnom...


So I have exciting news. I know 99.9% of you don't like, legit care. But I think my mom is finally starting to get it. It might've helped that I told her if I had somewhere else to live, I would. But there were several reasons I didn't want to move in with dad:
1) I'd miss my dogs.
2) He's not as chil about Boyfriend as mom is.
3) It's a big house - that means more chores.

But I think telling her that opened her eyes. Because I'm sick of her saying that I care more about my friends than her. First of all, my friends didn't give birth to me. So yeah. Second, she's taking this "you're going to leave me one day" to a whole new level.

I dunno. THere's other stuff. But just... yeah.

So yeah. I think I might be able to have more of a social life. And I think I might actually get to see Boyfriend outside of school. Which would be frigging SPECTACULAR.

My psychology teacher assigned a 97 question study guide on Wednesday, due Monday. Thursday, I got home from school. I watched some TV. Then at 4:00, bored as all hell, I commenced on the study guide. I got 32 questions done by 5:00, at which time I went to Panera and sated my dire need for a frontega chicken panini - choosing to ignore my need for the chicken tortilla soup, forgetting you could "pick two." I got home at about 6:15, at which time I re-commenced work on the study guide. At 8:00, I watched a little bit of the previous night's Lost. Truthfully, I'm starting to hate the show. The only reason I still awtch it is to find out what the hell is going on. At 8:30, we had an online test for psychology. 60 questions. Didn't study that much. Thought I didn't know half the stuff.

I got an 88.8%. That's the highest I've EVER gotten on a psychology test.

At 9:00, I resumed the study guide. At 10:30, I talked to the madre for an hour. At 11:30, I study guide-ed some more. At 11:45, I took a shower. at 12:00 am, I finished the last seven questions of the ninety-seven question study guide.

I think the fact that the sexual orientation section was quite interesting (and thanfully the farthest thing from ignorant) helped quite a bit.

Today, I had a unit test in biology. I think I got a B. I had two quizes in AP english. I think I got two A's. Then a quiz in theater. It's theater, so probably 100%. My grades are the best they've been all year. First quarter's GPA was 2.85. Second quarter's GPA was 2.57. Right now, I have 5 B's and 2 A's, which averages out to a 3.28.

I'm doing infinitely better, and it's making me feel infinitely better.

Life isn't too bad right now.



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