Sunday, April 19, 2009

I Need To Get IN SHAPE.

Okay, so I'm not like. Big. But I'm a little bit overweight. And I have pudge. And Boyfriend says he likes the pudge. So I'm kinda like... oh, I don't care. But turns out, I might be lifeguarding this summer. So um... I'm not gonna sit around a poll with my stomach hanging over the waistband of my swimtrunks, kthnx. And I know lifeguards wear shirts. But uhm... Then I'll have a farmer's tan. And that'll just be ewey.

Except for the part where, to be qualified, you have to swim twelve (yes, twelve) laps straight, and then get a ten pound weight from the bottom of the deep end, up to the surface, and swim it across the pool. Blow my life. I think I'm screwed.

Thing is, I think it'd be kinda fun. And it pays really well. So like. It couldn't hurt. I'm going to try. I'm just really nervous. Like, I don't want to start working til the summer. 'Cause my grades were good for third quarter, but now they're kinda... slippingish.

Oh. Okay.

So the Twin (aka BFF main girl Abby - told you I'd get a new name soon) and I got into a fightish thing today. She wanted me to go to this carnival thing with her and her madre and her brother, and my mom was like "No," and the Twin got all pissed off and going on this whole "Your mom doesn't trust me or my parents" thing and it's like... No. Sometimes, mother dearest just says no. Chill. And she's all mad at me because, basically, I have friends and she doesn't.

My life cannot revolve around her and her schedule. I'm sorry that I have other friends that I like to hang out with, too, and... yeah. So gah. I mean, we're "okay" for now. But like... yeah. I dunno.

Hm. A hot shower sounds quite appealing.



Sunday, April 12, 2009

Spring Break... Not So Break-alicious.

This did not feel like spring break. It felt like a very long, boring weekend. From Friday evening to Monday morning, I was in Manhattan. This was slightly entertaining. It was fun being in a new city that I've only been to once - years ago, so I don't even remember - and it was just... fun. I dunno. I liked it. It woulda been more fun with friends, though.

I saw none of my friends over break. Except BFF main girl Abby (once again, props to Clever Girl Tia for the witty nickname; I'll change it up eventually, I swear). I went outside with her for an hour and a half the other day and chilled. But I didn't get to see the Penguin, or Boyfriend, who was in Williamsburg all break... So wasn't having much fun, either.

It's 11:05 PM, and I have an 88 question study guide to finish. I'm on question... 40. I did a 96 question study guide yesterday and the day before. Stupid psychology -.-


Yeah. I'm ready to go back to school, but only 'cause I miss everyone. And yeah. So I've spent all my break doing... nothing? I might be seeing my friend Joey tomorrow, as well as Abby. But Iono.

This wasn't the Best Break Ever. And I only have one more high school spring break. So that one better be DAMN enjoyable.

So since I was without Facebook for a while, I thought I'd have like, a million notifications and such. But when I got on the other day, after my foray in NYC, I only had 18 notifications. I'm unloved :(

Hah. As if. :)


I've found another series to break me away from my Anita Blake obsession. Except for the part where I'm still totally obsessed. But it's that series that the HBO hit show (that I have yet to see more than ONE episode of -.-) True Blood. I saw the first episode, and I REALLY liked it. I'm reading the first book in this "Sookie Stackhouse series," (who names their child Sookie? Why would you do that? Do you WANT them to be bullybait?) and I like it and all. I'm just not a huge fan of Charlaine Harris' style. It's cute, though :)

I got the 14th Anita Blake, though. And I've read one chapter. And I'm like... :OOO. And I really want to read it. But I have to finish Sookie Stackhouse. Then I'm trying to finish Stephen King's "Insomnia." So I'm like... GAHHHH. "Insomnia" is good and all, very interesting, but it's NOT ANITA BLAKE.

Okay. I sound like a HUGE EFFING NERD RIGHT NOW with my book-talk. Um. Sorry? ><


Okay. I REALLY need to finish this study guide. Well, not finish... but work on? 'Cause this one's not due till Wednesday.







No I'm not.

I'm upset about something :(

My mommy limited my texting. Yeah. I "text too much." And I do. One month it was... upwards of 8000 [blush]. But I cut back by like, 3000! So last month it was around 5000!! :D

But alas, now I only get 1500 a month. So goodbye, Twitter :( GAH.

It's so upsetting.



Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Matza Crackers and Peanut Butter - And I'm Not Even Jewish!!

Someone explain to me why people think matza is tasty. Because I do not see (erm... taste?) it. At all. It tastes like cardboard. And it's only good with peanut butter.

(As everyone knows, cardboard is very tasty with peanut butter. Peanut butter is one of the three things that makes a whole lot of foods taste better :D Including parmesan cheese and garlic salt.)

So I had an orthodontist appointment today. And I was informed that I no longer have to come in anymore. I simply have to wear my retainer one night a week - although, the doctor told me I only had to wear it when I thought it was necessary. I'm MATURE ENOUGH TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT MY TEETH!! :D

But, alas, another chapter in my life comes to an end... I've been seeing said orthodontist office since I was a wee lad (11 years old, to be precise - I got my braces on around November of 2003). It's the end of an ERA!!!

Thank. Fudging. GOD.


I am very excited. I have commenced work on a new story, and I am utterly enthralled with my ability to keep it from drifting into supernaturalness!! But I find the story quite lovely, so far, even though it makes virtually no sense.


I'll figure it all out :)

It sucks, though, because I've reallllly wanted to write lately, and I've had a writer's block. I mean, it'll go away for like, a day, then it'll come back, and I'll be just as D:< grrr as ever.

So grrr to you, writer's block.
