Thursday, January 8, 2009

MySpace Sucks

It does.
So does Facebook.
So why do I have Facebook?
And why did I get MySpace back last night?

Months ago, I deleted my MySpace with no intentions of getting it back. Lately, I've had the urge to get MySpace back.
Nikki peer pressure-ized me into getting it back, and so... here it is:

Joey's MySpace

I don't know why I did it. No one uses it. Blech.


So yeah.



Monday, January 5, 2009

Let's Steal From A Bestie =D

So one of my best friends,
Nikki, wrote a blog called "Reflecting 2008." The title is pretty self-explanatory. So I thought I'd grand theft blogpost this jaunt and revamp it to make it my own.

Sorry, Nikkster. I had to.


Reflecting 2008 [[~J*~ edition =D]]

2008 seemed like more than just one year. Now that I'm sitting here, in front of my re-working PC, it seems like a billion mini-years, glued into one year of messiness that I can barely remember. At the beginning of 2008, I was in the second half of my sophomore year. Tenth grade really was not anything exciting. The only "exciting" thing that happened occured at the tail end of 2007, when my ex decided to start talking to me again.

Looking back, so much of that drama was not worth it. So not worth it. I don't even remember half - no - any of it. It was all pointless. If I lost friends, I don't remember them, and that's all well and good, because quite frankly, if they've been out of my life this long, then they can stay out.

At the tail end of sophomore year - actually, it might have been the beginning of summer break - I got in touch with an old friend of mine - for a second time. I would say this was a mistake - everything was about him, and I was sick of it - but it led to one of the best things in my life.

This guy's name was Patrick. I had been friends with him in elementary school. He'd lost both his parents, and was living with his grandmother, who spoiled the hell out of him. Then, all of a sudden, in 5th grade, he stopped showing up at school. No one was living in his grandmother's house.

It took me three years to him on MySpace. His grandmother was in a home and he was living with a foster family. I didn't realized how fucked up he was for a year, and in my freshman year, we stopped talking for a couple months. He Facebook'd me an apology, and I stupidly accepted. We were friends up until that fateful summer after sophomore year.

Patrick introduced me to someone via Facebook who I "might be interested in." As soon as I start talking to this person, Patrick tries to steal him for himself. Now, while I was not interested in this person (at the time, anyway), it still royaly pissed me off, and I finally cut him out of my life.

That was just the straw that broke the camel's back. Up until then, he'd been nothing but an attention whore, and everything had been about him. I was D.O.N.E.

At the beginning of junior year, the person that Patrick had led me to meet via Facebook began to sit in our happy little stairway crew (XD). Dramadramadrama, fightfightfight, then one magical night at a friend's party, and WHA-BAM, insta-amazing-boyfriendness. I mean, I'd liked him before then, but I guess I kinda didn't know it, you know? I dunno, I was stupid. But now I'm uber happy with him :3


That didn't happen until December. So, basically, all of last year - for the most part - was... well... lame? Haha. Here's hoping this year will be infinitely better.



Saturday, January 3, 2009

Travis McCoy Is A Douche.

Dear Travis McCoy, of Gym Class Heroes:


Look, asshole.

Don't blame the AMAZING GODDESS THAT IS KATY PERRY because you instigated petty fights, and don't you DARE humiliate her by making a rap about breaking up with her?!?!

Have you ever thought that maybe it was YOU that was immature?!? Maybe it was YOUR fault that things ended like that! Maybe YOU were the one who pissed her off! AT LEAST SHE WAS FAITHFUL! AT LEAST SHE WASN'T SOME HARDCORE BITCH TO YOU!

She deserves so much better, you know? She deserves infinetly better than your ugly, sorry, thugish ass. She makes you feel stupid because she can actually speak ENGLISH, and - you said it yourself - your English sounds as if it comes from a garbage can? SHE'S NOT TRYING TO MAKE YOU FEEL STUPID, YOU JERK! YOU DECIDE TO MAKE YOURSELF LOOK LIKE A DUMBASS, AND NOW YOU REALLLLY HAVE BY FUCKING UP THIS RELATIONSHIP!!





Now that my Chris Crocker moment is over...

Yeah. Travis McCoy and Katy Perry broke up. I guess Perez Hilton proved himself somewhat useful with this bit of juicy gossip. Even though, you know, I can't stand him. But that's my problem.


Hey, I'm kinda wicked bored. I really want to do something right now, and today is the second to last day of break. I was going to go to the mall with my friend Joey, but he has to watch his little sister, and I don't know how long that's going to take. I've texted him like, three times, but I get IGNORED. Jerk.

Abby's dad isn't letting her go outside because they're "going somewhere," which is probably half-B.S., but it's all good... sorta... I just wanna chill with someone! And I miss Abby like crazy. We just hung out yesterday, but like, it was her, me, and Joey, so it wasn't really just me and her. But no. She can't go out. Grrrrrrr.

And Sam is sick. Yeah. There's some stomach thing going around. And stomach things scare me. I don't like them. At all. They hurt. Yeah. So I kinda don't wanna go out, but I do at the same time. We'll see.

We will see.


So yeah. Maybe mall later? I can hope.

If Joey ever texts me back.



Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009? Really?

This holiday season feels nothing like the holidays. Christmas didn't feel like Christmas, and it seriously does not feel like 2009.


To be blunt: Fuck that =D

My attitude towards New Year's Resolutions has been greatly influenced by my mother (seeing as I've lived solely with her for thirteen years, with visitation to my dad's every other weekend). Her attitude - and now mine - is this:

"Why wait until a new year to make a resolution for yourself? As soon as you're not happy with something, and you want to change it, work on it right away. Don't wait for a new year to change it."

So yeah.

My question is: why wait? I mean, why don't just work on what makes you unhappy as soon as you realize the problem? A great deal of resolutions have to do with losing weight. Um, hello, it doesn't hurt to start a new diet and exercise regime right away. I did in the middle of like, October? I don't know if I've lost any weight - it's kind of fallen through, courtesy of the holidays - but it still doesn't hurt to try to get a little healthier right away.

Another popular resolution has to deal with frugal-ness. People want to watch their money this year, especially with the economy as bad as it is. But why wait until the new year? Why not just start saving and cutting back right away? Don't say "That'll be my New Year's Resolution, to spend less money." Start right away!

So yeah. I've never understood the resolutions, and I don't think I ever will.

Moving on to more trivial matters........

Who watched Carson Daily's New Years Eve thinger last night? Show of hands?

I watched it for one thing and one thing only.

Actually, one person.

Three guesses who.

I'll give you a hint: she's the breakout artist of 2008 and likes KISSING GIRLS and hates indescisive boyfriends that seem HOT AND COLD.


I know you know who I mean.



Yeah. She was amazing. Definitley not the outrageous outfit I was hoping for, but she still looked fabulous.

"But, Joey, her voice sounds horrible live!"

Okay, first of all: no, it's not HORRIBLE. Second of all: she is not the best singer. But at least she's not lip-synching to all of her songs. She's proud of the voice she has, and she doesn't hide behind electronic enhancement in her shows to try to make her voice sound better, like Britney - even though I love her, too.

Her voice is just so unique, her music so catchy, and she puts on a fucking FABULOUS show. I'd do anything to see her in concert - nay, I'd do anything to MEET her.



Wellllllll, I'm going to go binge on Katy Perry and be bored all of New Year's Day.

And maybe have some egg nog....
