Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hullo :3

I miss blogging. And I miss writing. I haven't written in a very long time. It's slightly upsetting. But I haven't gotten an opportunity to get on the laptop, upon which my various assortment of works are stored... Even though I was just on... So I could've put the stuff on my jump drive... CRAP.


I just tried to call Verizon - our internet provider - to try to work out the CONSTANT problems we've been having with the WiFi. So, after fifteen minutes of listening to a machine ramble about restarting my modem might help - something I've done for the umpteenth time now - and about how my call is important to them - something that's just utter B.S. - I am told that "all technicians are currenly with other customers. We value your call and -"

Of course I hung up. What do I look like, an idiot?

Don't answer that.


We were reading Huckleberry Finn for AP English. So I've been neglecting my lovely Anita Blake. I've been reading the twelfth book for several months now and I really want to finish it. But it's 730 pages and I've been mega-distracted by socializing.


But yeah.

Grr... Boyfriend's phone broke. So I'm without him until next Thursday. Except at school. Upsetting much?


But yeah. That's about it. Maybe I'll go write.


I'll probably talk to the Penguin.


1 comment:

Tia said...

i miss you. xoxo.