Friday, July 31, 2009

A Series of Heartfelt Letters, "Clever Girl Goes Blog" Style

Dear Maternal Unit,

Just because I am a teenage male does not mean I think solely with the WRONG HEAD.


Your Boyfriend-deprived child.


Dear Apple,

You suck. Like, really hardcore. I was talking about you with a Best Buy worker yesterday and apparently only iTunes would work on a Mac computer. Egotistical much? Especially considering your software SUCKS.


Someone who just got a sexy new 120 gig Zune.


Dear New Zune,

I love you dearly, and with your 30,000 song capacity, I'll never run out of space. However, that does not excuse you from keeping me up until the wee hours of the night, cramming music onto your slow-moving software.

Not that I'm complaining.

You run way better than Apple.


Your ecstatic owner.


Dear Grandmother,


In case you didn't put two and two together, that would be my ZUNE

Much love,

Your... grandson? Duh.


Dear Jackson Blanton Photographers,

It would be incredibly appreciated if you would put my senior pictures on your website already so they could be ordered, plus plastered all over Blogger/Twitter/Facebook.


Someone who didn't look half bad in the pictures you took.


((Clever Girl Goes Blog <3Tia))

Sunday, July 26, 2009

What the Hell? I Can't Take My Own Advice.

I need. To calm DOWN.

I spent all day with Boyfriend and two friends yesterday, and yet I feel like I barely saw him. I mean, granted, it had been a month and a half since the last time I saw him, and we were definitely attached to each other the whole time, but still... Iono.

I'm kind of pathetic, right?

-le sigh-

Moving on.



It's very exciting. She starts Tuesday, the 29th, and GAH!


One thing to be happy about in my messed-up, PMS-ish emotional state.


If any of you have gone to my YouTube, sorry that there's only one "vlog" or whatever. I kind of... don't have much to talk about?


I'll figure something out, though! For all you lovely people out there that give a hootinanny about me.




Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer's Almost Over...

...And I'm still jobless.

The hiring manager at Starbucks is on vacation all week this week, and I have two job applications to complete for places that I would need to bus to, but damnit, I need money.

I feel like a deadbeat! Especially since Boyfriend has a good-paying job. FML.

My mom had a second interview this past week for the same job, so it's looking REALLY good. Keep your fingers crossed for her?

Meanwhile, I'm sitting on the couch, watching Spongebob, needing a job myself. UGHHH. But, I've managed to get some writing done, at least :) Not a lot, but... well, enough, I guess?

I've posted my first vlog! And I need to do my second! GAH. I have a feeling I'm going to fail at vlogging again.

Oh, and to "Hello," who left that comment on my blog about iTunes, thank you!! I'll try to do that ASAP. :D

Anyway. Life has been so uneventful. I really don't bave much to blog about.... GAH again.


Thursday, July 9, 2009


I've done it! I've made another YouTube! Mwahahaha!
I have one video so far, and it's a cover of a song, so just ignore it. I'm going to start vlogging again soon.

A Heart In The Apple Tree




Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Odd Jobs, a Really Sweet Thought, and Crappy iTunes.

Babysitting: $40
Working for grandma: $50
Babysitting again this Friday: $25
Having $115: Priceless.

I really hope that math was right. But yeah.

I feel loaded.

Except for the part where I need a legit, regularly scheduled job. But still. Money :) The only thing is... I like buying things. I just hate SPENDING MY MONEY. Make sense?

Didn't think so.

Moving on.

I was chitchatting with Boyfriend last night, and he told me he wanted to take me to a Lady Gaga concert for my birthday, but it's on a school night, and it's in DC, so obviously, the madre's answer was a resounding NO.

It was such a sweet thought, though. :) I'm just so sad I can't go :\


iTunes. Anything "i" related. SUCKS. Really bad. So does Limewire. I need a Zune. Badly. The laptop needed to be like, restarted basically. Like, completely wiped clean. So I had my Limewire music saved on disks. And I put the music on iTunes, and it was all "Oh, by the way, we can't play this, because we can't find the original file."

Ftw? Why do you need the original file if I have it saved on a CD?

So yeah. I'm just going to start from scratch eventually. Stupid Apple...


Friday, July 3, 2009


So. I'm actually making money. Twenty-five bucks for babysitting a just-turned-seven-year-old for a day. Not too bad. 'Cause I don't have a job at all, and I'm tired of feeling USELESS. So now I'm actually doing something. Babysitting my good friend's little sister. Who happens to like anything and everything Disney channel, and all the popular singles. But it's cool. She's seven. She'll get more cultured.

I hope.

So anyway. I had to get up at 8:45, which is the earliest I've gotten up all summer. I've been up til three in the morning every... night?... since summer began. For no reason. So yeah. Coffee is currently my best friend.

Speaking of best friends, Penguin is planning an Ocean City trip on the seventeenth.

(For you non-east-coasters, Ocean City is the most favored beach by Marylanders because of it's supposedly fabulous boardwalk - I haven't been there in years, so I wouldn't know - and it's shockingly nasty water. I guess it's just kind of a late-teen-early-twenties hotspot?)

So Penguin just got her license, and she'd be driving me, Boyfriend, and his bestie (possibly). Only problem is... mommy doesn't like teenage drivers. So that's not gonna happen. Probably. And I reallyreallyreallyreally wanted to go :(

But meh. I suppose I'll get over it. Probably.

So I'll just sit here. Watching Hannah Montana while the Girlie Girl noms on some Doritos from her Camp Rock lunch box. But hey. I can't bitch. She's cool for a seven year old, and it's twenty five bucks. Plus more money next week for helping gramma out at work.


I have phone calls to make. There are places that I want to work, and I need to see if you can be under eighteen to work there. Like Borders. And a movie theater. And panera. And a whole bunch of other places.

So yeah.

