Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer's Almost Over...

...And I'm still jobless.

The hiring manager at Starbucks is on vacation all week this week, and I have two job applications to complete for places that I would need to bus to, but damnit, I need money.

I feel like a deadbeat! Especially since Boyfriend has a good-paying job. FML.

My mom had a second interview this past week for the same job, so it's looking REALLY good. Keep your fingers crossed for her?

Meanwhile, I'm sitting on the couch, watching Spongebob, needing a job myself. UGHHH. But, I've managed to get some writing done, at least :) Not a lot, but... well, enough, I guess?

I've posted my first vlog! And I need to do my second! GAH. I have a feeling I'm going to fail at vlogging again.

Oh, and to "Hello," who left that comment on my blog about iTunes, thank you!! I'll try to do that ASAP. :D

Anyway. Life has been so uneventful. I really don't bave much to blog about.... GAH again.


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