Thursday, October 29, 2009

What a Relief. No Swine Here.

I'm pretty sure it was just the common cold.
Whatever it was, it made me miss two days of school, which is real f&!!%*! annoying. -_- But today, I went back, and I really did not miss a whole lot. So I guess it's all good.

I'm still sneezing like a motherheffer, though.


But yes, I have not contracted the pig flu, so I'm not contagious. So don't be afraid to get to close. *sketchy eyebrow wiggle*

I don't know why I'm posting, honestly. My life is not that entertaining at the moment. Maybe THAT'S why I'm posting.


Meh. Oh well. I guess a little update never hurt anyone.

Oh, to be interesting....


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Music Monday.

I realize it's Tuesday.

I also realize that my head feels like it's been stuffed with cotton and my throat is very scratchy and I had to take the day off.

So hop off D: <


So anyway. I'm stealing this little idea from Twitter's trending topic, "Music Monday." How original, right? Well, I guess, since I'm doing it in blog format.

Take that, 140 characters or less.

So for this um... issue?... of Music Monday, I'd like to introduce you to a little band called Morningwood, that is slowly but surely gaining steam. Maybe you've heard of them. If you saw the Sex And The City movie, you heard one of their songs playing during the fashion show scene - New York Girls. This track is from their full debut album, named after their band. Other songs you might have heard are "Nth Degree" and "Take Off Your Clothes." A band with a unique style, led by frontwoman Chantal Claret, this indie rock/glam metal group is hard to resist. Check out their debut album, Morningwood, as well as their 4-track maxi-single, Sugarbaby. Their new album, Diamonds and Studs, is to be released sometime later this year.

So yeah. I'm gonna go drink some water and maybe tea, and maybe have some chicken noodle soup now.

Happy listening.


Monday, October 26, 2009

Oh Deary Me... Could It Be...? No, Not Possible... But Is It... SWINE?

Oh, dear God almighty in heaven above, I hope not.

I was so hot all day. Like, it was ridiculous. And in third period, it got unbearable. My head was throbbing every time I coughed - which was a whole lot - so I went to the nurse. I suppose the good news is that I don't have a fever. Or, at least, I didn't this morning.

Anyway. I've been toying with my webcam. And it's kinda a whole lot of fun, considering I haven't much toyed with it yet. Wanna see?

I HAVE A MASK. So exciting.


Who, I?


There are so many more pictures, but I really don't feel like putting them up.

Oh, and the person on the phone is Nikki. You know, my best friend? Yeah, her.

Anyway. I have no idea what I'm saying right now. I'm not feeling good, I'm tired, and I'm in a blah mood.



Sunday, October 25, 2009

Is It Just Me, Or Is Blogging Losing Steam?

I guess it's to be expected. I mean, it's the WRITTEN WORD, which is slowly, but surely, going out of style. Which sucks. But whatever. I mean, everything has its hayday. And I guess people are just too lazy to read, so they'd rather watch videos with random edits in them to make them look funny/dramatic/just flat out fancy.

I guess blogging just isn't as "in" as it used to be. Not if there aren't pretty pictures, anyway. So, without further ado, here's a picture... Hang on, lemme figure out how to get it on here from Facebook... godda---

Whoa. That's a whole lot of HTML.

Oh. Haha. It wasn't in "compose" view. Silly Joey, Blogger is for smart people.

But yes. Okay. Picture explanation time :)

(Sadly, I don't think I have any of me and Boyfriend D: Neither of us had cameras and yeah. But whatevs. Memories are all in the old noodle. And they are very spectacular memories.)

Okay. So the girl on the left is Mae, and I've been friends with her since freshman years - three years ago, people - and we're not exactly BFFs, but we're pretty close. And she looked GAWWWWJUS last night.

Girly on the right is cute little Myoung. I took a history class with her last year, and she made it very entertaining. :) SHE'S SO CUTE. All the tiny little Asian girls are such freaks on the dance floor, though. Or anywhere else for that matter.

And that amazingly snazzy dude in the middle? That would be yours truly. Yes, oh yes, I know, it was a fabulously STUNNING ensemble, picked out by none other than ME. And, the best part is, I had JUST learned how to tie a tie three nights before =D

(Picture curteousy of Myoung's phone, as used by the 12th grade administrator that had THE hardest time figuring out how to use it, Mr. Tyrell.)

But yes. My second and final homecoming was absolutely terrific. A lot of dancing, a lot of sweating, a lot of going out into the courtyard for fresh air, a lot of tiny bottles of water, and a lot of people simulating gratuitous, rough-ass sex on the dance floor.

And, NO, I was not one of them.


Except maybe with Rosie ;) Oh how I love my lesbian.


But dancing with Boyfriend was perhaps one of the best parts of the night. Amazingly sweet and just... amazing. GAH. *loveyloveymushygooeylove*

But, at the risk of embarassing myself further, I'll let you enjoy this first post in CENTURIES and then leave you to the rest of your day/night/whatever.

Adieu, dear Blogger.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Le sigh.

I am absolutely, positively aware of the fact that my posts have been getting fewer and farther between.

I am also one hundred percent, completely aware of the fact that I have a lottt of spare time to blog, considering I am taking one - count em, ONE - required class this year.

So sorry, for my like, two readers.

If even.

I can only dream of being famous on here.

And, sadly, the fact that I have an essay in that ONE REQUIRED CLASS just came to my attention.

Due tomorrow.



PS: I'll be back later. Mkay?