Monday, October 26, 2009

Oh Deary Me... Could It Be...? No, Not Possible... But Is It... SWINE?

Oh, dear God almighty in heaven above, I hope not.

I was so hot all day. Like, it was ridiculous. And in third period, it got unbearable. My head was throbbing every time I coughed - which was a whole lot - so I went to the nurse. I suppose the good news is that I don't have a fever. Or, at least, I didn't this morning.

Anyway. I've been toying with my webcam. And it's kinda a whole lot of fun, considering I haven't much toyed with it yet. Wanna see?

I HAVE A MASK. So exciting.


Who, I?


There are so many more pictures, but I really don't feel like putting them up.

Oh, and the person on the phone is Nikki. You know, my best friend? Yeah, her.

Anyway. I have no idea what I'm saying right now. I'm not feeling good, I'm tired, and I'm in a blah mood.




Tia said...

vitamin C and chicken noodle soup, STAT!

WriterGirl17 said...

In addition to the previous comment, I will add tea and sleep.