Thursday, October 2, 2008

Playlist - "Save My Life"

Last night, I made a playlist on iTunes called "Save My Life." It consists of All Time Low, Katy Perry, Lily Allen, My Chemical Romance, and Paramore. That is my favorite music. I could live off of those bands/people, and for the past almost twenty-four hours, I have been.
Last night, I was thinking. I was in just such a horrible mood, and I'm not quite sure why. I have been all week, really. It's sort of an angry, depressed mood. I can't quite describe it, as I can't quite describe what happened last night.

As I said, I was thinking. It was about 9:30; a very unusual time for me to be in bed, lights out, not on the phone. I had moved the iPod Bose docking station into my bedroom - unbeknownst to mother dearest - and played my new Playlist on shuffle. So I lay in the dark, and slowly, the songs began to meld together. I wasn't quite falling asleep yet. I was sort of in a trance state. I remembered I had to put the dogs out to go to the bathroom and as I got up, I caught sight of... let's say an object that would've helped me do something very bad. And as I was reaching for this object, a certain song came on.
"Absolutely Nothing" by Lily Allen.
I don't know what it was about the song, but the words and music just washed over me, and I put the dogs out, and sat back down on my bed, just listening, eyes closed. I don't know what it was. It wasn't the words in particular, it was just... some element of the song made me feel overwhelmed, but it wasn't bad. I just sat down and just... I don't know. I can't explain it. I let the dogs back in and lay down. Sam called me at ten, asked if it was a bad time. I told her sort of, and that I would talk to her the next day.
I don't know how to explain the feeling I got. I'm having serious mood swings lately, and I don't know if it's hormones or if I need to see a therapist. If so, we really don't have the money for that. So I'm kind of in a fustercluck there.
I don't know how to explain the feelings I have now, either. I've had the worst writer's block for the past three weeks or so, and it's starting to take its toll. I think that's part of the reason my moods are so fucked up. Or maybe my moods are so fucked up because of the writer's block. Maybe they're both affecting each other. In any case, it's so irritating and it's just been... yeah. I dunno.


PS: I need thoughts for my advice blog. Help?

1 comment:

Tia said...

uhm, hello? you're fabulous. end of story. none of this "save my life" business.

besides, i need you to have my back when people try to steal my blog! =P