Saturday, March 7, 2009

If It's This Hard, It's GOT To Be Worth It

This week has been a total emotional roller coaster. I was so glad to talk things out last night, and I think things my be smooth-going for a while. My mom is still being ridiculous, but... oh well. I can't push her into acceptance. No one can make this any easier. But since it's so hard, that's got to mean something, right? This relationship has had so many bumps because of restrictions, that it's got to be worth it, in the end... right?

I think so. I really do.

But anyway, onto a totally different tangent...

I was reading Tia's blog - as per usual whenever I get on Blogger, which is quite rare nowadays, thanks to previously mentioned restrictions - and there was a post about the upcoming New Moon movie (more specifically, the poster with Robert Pattinson baring his chest and stomach to all the prepubescent girls of the world). Well, I may want to see the rest of the movies as they come out, but..........


It's sooooo frigging obnoxious anymore. All this paraphenalia (I totally spelled that wrong) glaring at me from every clothing store and book store... IT'S SO OBNOXIOUS!! Twilight is not worth this much hype. Stephanie Meyer is a good writer an all, but how about you give her some recognition for The Host? You know, her BETTER, DEEPER, MORE MEANINGFUL, AMAZINGLY WELL WRITTEN book? Twilight is well written and all, but it's ridiculously unoriginal and just... obnoxious!! So not worth it....

Okay. Rant over :]

So yeah.

I have a psych study guide due Monday. I reallllly should be doing that. I only have like, 15/57 questions done... It's actually short, for an AP psychology study guide... I kind of was a bitch in that class on Thursday. That was not a good day for me. So I kind of feel bad. And I should probably apologize. But like... Hm. I dunno. I feel bad for being mean to the teacher, though. But for seals, don't try to get me to do anything when I have my head down on my desk. I like, never sleep in class. So he shoulda been like "oh... something's wrong."

No, I'm not expecting too much. Shut up.




WriterGirl17 said...

You're expecting teachers at a public high school to actually give a crap about their students... and as we all know, even the teachers at private schools don't care...

Unknown said...

You are dumb as shit. The Host was a terrible book, how dare you say that that "novel" was something BETTER, DEEPER, MORE MEANINGFUL,[and] AMAZINGLY WELL WRITTEN.


There's really no such things a vampire...just saying