Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Politics Should Not Be Blogged About... BUT!

You know what really pisses me off? When younger kids say they want so-and-so president to win, when they're only going on what their parents are saying. If they don't watch the news and know what's going on in the world, they should not be stating their opinions. Because I guarantee you, all these preppy freshmen are saying they want McCain to win because their parents want McCain to win, because they're rich and McCain is lowering taxes YET AGAIN on the upper-class and raising them on us middle-class and lower-class folk. My freshman friend's rationale was "if the rich are taxed less, they can pay the poor."
Sorry to tell you, Hayley, but that's not how it works.
Money isn't tossed out of limos by the filthy rich at the peasents begging on the streets, searching for scraps of food. No, us middle class folk - well, our parents in some cases - have to work for the money. The rich people don't just throw the money at us. It doesn't work that way.
Taxes, the war, and the economy in general. Those are the three big topics right now. I know Obama can help with the taxes, and the economy - I've skimmed his plan. HOWEVER, I don't think he's the best commander in chief. I don't think he'd get us out of Iraq in the right manner, and that's what scares me. But it beats the hell out of losing money faster and faster thanks to McCain.
My best friend's father says he's having qualms about Obama because then, when he wins, black people will be walking around like they're all high and mighty.
Not only is this insanely IGNORANT, but untrue. Obama wants equality. Period. And what does it matter if black people are walking around all high and mighty? Have they not got the shorter end of the stick for the past couple centuries? I'm not saying white people or hispanics or anyone DESERVE the shorter end of the stick, but still... I don't know, I'm kind of rambling.
Abortion is a very big topic for me. I do not like abortion. At all. However, I understand in some cases, it needs to be done. Yes, girls should be able to keep their legs closed, and boys should be able to keep it in their pants, but Goddamnit, if a teenager gets pregnant, and she was practicing safe sex in the first place... well, you gotta do what you gotta do. And it fucking sucks. But that's how it goes.
I do NOT think abortion should be used as a form of birth control. You fuck, you forget some sort of contraceptive, and you get pregnant. No. You should've been responsible.

I'm going to get spiritual for a second. If you don't believe in God, or some sort of soul/life-force that animates us all, feel free to skip this section.

I believe that when a baby is killed in the womb, that that baby's "soul," or whatever you want to call it, becomes another soon-to-be baby. God would not let a young soul not have a chance on this earth.


I think that's it.
Let the hate comments begin.



1 comment:

WriterGirl17 said...

Tsk tsk. What if I can't vote because I won't be 18 until May, have done my research, and support McCain (and so does my mother, who doesn't know a thing about politics.) It's backwards. Does that make it any better.

Slash. You know what I really hate? People who are pro-Obama either because he's black or because all their friends like Obama. Obama's, like, the new fad. (Oh, and Freshie McCain supporters are more likely just trying to be "different" for the attention. You know that's gotta be it.)