Friday, July 3, 2009


So. I'm actually making money. Twenty-five bucks for babysitting a just-turned-seven-year-old for a day. Not too bad. 'Cause I don't have a job at all, and I'm tired of feeling USELESS. So now I'm actually doing something. Babysitting my good friend's little sister. Who happens to like anything and everything Disney channel, and all the popular singles. But it's cool. She's seven. She'll get more cultured.

I hope.

So anyway. I had to get up at 8:45, which is the earliest I've gotten up all summer. I've been up til three in the morning every... night?... since summer began. For no reason. So yeah. Coffee is currently my best friend.

Speaking of best friends, Penguin is planning an Ocean City trip on the seventeenth.

(For you non-east-coasters, Ocean City is the most favored beach by Marylanders because of it's supposedly fabulous boardwalk - I haven't been there in years, so I wouldn't know - and it's shockingly nasty water. I guess it's just kind of a late-teen-early-twenties hotspot?)

So Penguin just got her license, and she'd be driving me, Boyfriend, and his bestie (possibly). Only problem is... mommy doesn't like teenage drivers. So that's not gonna happen. Probably. And I reallyreallyreallyreally wanted to go :(

But meh. I suppose I'll get over it. Probably.

So I'll just sit here. Watching Hannah Montana while the Girlie Girl noms on some Doritos from her Camp Rock lunch box. But hey. I can't bitch. She's cool for a seven year old, and it's twenty five bucks. Plus more money next week for helping gramma out at work.


I have phone calls to make. There are places that I want to work, and I need to see if you can be under eighteen to work there. Like Borders. And a movie theater. And panera. And a whole bunch of other places.

So yeah.



1 comment:

WriterGirl17 said...

I'm late commenting on this. But I've looked into the Borders thing (back before I was 18). They won't hire under 18 because they do carry "adult materials" and one must be 18 to sell such materials... even if you're not the one actually selling them. It makes sense.... kinda.... ish....