Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ad Canvassing Win? (THE END OF NABLOPOMO)

So, you can tell I celebrated the end of NaBloPoMo yesterday by... not posting :) Hehe.

Anyway, I went ad canvassing yesterday afternoon with a classmate of mine and I'm not sure whether or not it was a success... We left contracts and newspapers at four places, and... well, I guess they'll contact him if they want. The teacher, I mean.

Life is so crazy right now.

Well, not right now. Well, kind of. But college is going to make the other "L" word much more difficult. The one that's not life.

(Not talking about lesbians here.)

I'm trying not to think about it.

But I can't help it.

You know?

When you want something to work this badly, you can't help but think about it - and how things could go horribly wrong.


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