Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Graduation of Penguin

Before I begin: I have finished the third installment of my Anita Blake-type series.

(Laurell K. Hamilton, don't sue - I assure you, it's no more similar than the Sookie Stackhouse series. You're just so inspiring.)

I finished at like, 2:00something today. And it's too short. Only 99 pages. Grrr. It shall become longer, though!

So yes.

On with the... what the title says.


My bestest friend in the whole wide world... has graduated. This past Friday was the seniors' last day. So no more seeing Penguin every single day in the stairway. -tear- Why couldn't she just fail this year so she could stay back?


Oh, right. She has a future. Damnit.

But really, a whole bunch of my friends were seniors, and I'm going to miss them all. I have few friends in my own class, and that was probably a strategical error on my part.


So... yeah. Penguin is gone, never to return again.

Except for the part where she only lives ten minutes away, and I know both her numbers by heart. BUT STILL.

-le sigh-



Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Almost Finished :D

This is it.
In about 9,248 words, my third book will be finished. It'll probably go a little over, but... GAH! Finally! This has been the hardest one to write so far. And. I'm. Almost. Done.

*breaks out the non-alcoholic champagne*

It'll be finished before summer :) Hehe.

Moving on.

So. The Nightly News is blaring in the background. And stupid liberal-as-hell California decided to uphold Prop 8.


One of the most liberal states in the country... with like, Homo-Central (San Francisco) and everything. And they're upholding Prop 8.

*lesigh* I will never understand ignorance.

But at least the like... what, 8,000 gay couples that got married, stay married? So that's goodish.

Sorry, didn't mean to go all activist on you.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Idol Is Rigged. It's Final.

As if it wasn't final before, when Daughtry lost.

Adam Lambert should have won, since Allison didn't. I think the Adam part is the general consensus. Personally, I liked Allsion because she's like Pink, and I heart Pink :)

But then I stopped to think... Adam didn't win... So he's not under contract with Idol... so he can do whatever with his music :D He's not bounded by legalities.

Personally, I think they rigged it so he'd lose because he's not the image Idol wants. He's got the whole goth-rocker thing going on, and they want that boy-next-door kinda thing. Everyone thinks the gay thing is such an issue, but really, if it was, would he have gotten as far as he did? Probably NOT.

Everyone you ask is going to tell you that they voted Adam. Well, not everyone. But most. Which means that... Idol's rigged :) Duh.

I professed that I was done with the show last season, but then it drew me in again this year, in the final... five, was it? I mean, I didn't watch beginning to end, but I caught bits and pieces.

Still ticked that Allison didn't get to the top three -_-


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hey hey hey.

Well, hello, little children. Would you like a piece of candy? :)


So I think therapy is helping the madre a bit. 'Cause she actually let me hang out with Boyfriend, Penguin, and Ari (haven't come up with a nickname for her yet XD) until 11:00 last night. Which is a big step for her. Especially since she never really let me go out all that much. But I think this whole "negotiation" thing is working. I dunno. Like, if I do something (i.e. clean the bathroom) she'll let me go out without question. I dunno, it's just like... yeah, I think therapy is kind of helping, even though I didn't really think it would? Hm.

So yeah. Last night was cozy. We all started watching "A League of Their Own" which about put everyone but Ari to sleep. "It's my favorite movie!" she said. -eyeroll- Whyyyy?
Then a trip to the thrift store, Safeway, and then... back to the house. Where we started Saw III, ate some ice cream, and started Candyman (worse movie ever... one of them). But it was cozy :) Boyfriend and I hogged the couch, Penguin and Ari had the floor, and Ari fell asleep. Penguin drew a smiley face on her exposed thigh before we left, and she still didn't wake up.



But like, how are you all doing? Go ahead, leave a comment - I don't bite :)

Oh, and bytheby, Tia, your fabulousity outranks mine by FARRRR :P


Friday, May 15, 2009

This Applies to Anyone Reading This

If you have a problem with anything I'm saying, ANYTHING at all... Then don't read this blog. Okay? If you intend on commenting rude things, go for it, but you're wasting your time and energy, because they're just going to get deleted. Just hop off my blog if you don't like me, be it personal or otherwise.

Grow up. Get a life. Honestly, if you're sitting there reading some blog and then dissing the person via blog comment, you must be pretty pathetic. If you think you're so much better than me, prove it - go the fuck away.

I haven't done anything to anyone but talk about my life - it's like a public journal sort of thing, it's an outlet. If you're not interested, or you think it's dumb, or if you thing I'M dumb, then don't waste you're time reading it. If you think something I say doesn't make sense, then fine - I don't care. Don't sit there and waste you're time telling me shit that I really don't care about, and that's not going to do you any good.

Really, just, grow the hell up.

That's my little tirade for today.


Thursday, May 14, 2009


Dear "ChristEven,"

What's with the bitter comments? Can you stop being a bitch? Kthnx. What did I do to elicit your rude responses? Um... I blogged? Wow. I guess that deserved your shiz?

First off, "special" was spelled wrong on purpose. Duh. I'm not that retarded.

Second, don't sit there and call me a hypocrite - just because I hang out with someone a lot doesn't mean my life "revolves" around them. Jesus.

Speaking of Jesus, you can't sit there and talk shit about me, because you think you're... Christ? Ego much?

And if you clean up oil spills for a living, what are you doing sitting there reading a 16 year old's blog?



Someone who needs you to go away now :D


Moving on.

I snuck on Blogger at escuela real quick in the media center. Badass, right? -sarcasm- Anyway, yeah, I'm supposed to be filming this thing for TV production, but people are using the room we need sooo... Boredom :D

But yeah.


Oh! And to Clever Girl Tia's question, I guess... that's fine? Haha. I mean, at least it's people you know and are close to, and you're generalizing. It's not like you're dehumanizing them, I guess? I dunno. That didn't make any sense XD

So yeahhh.

I'ma hop off now.



Monday, May 11, 2009

New Blog Plug, "Gay" Tirade, and AP Exams... My, What a Busy Post.

Okay, first thing first:

Skyline of Fruit. Blog that me and Nikki Skyline are doing. Go follow. Now. Kthnx. It's just getting started, but... yeah. Kay.

Second order of business: (It's out of order in the title, 'cause I'm saving the tirade for last)
AP Exams. Holy. Shiz. I have one tomorrow at noon, and one the next day at 8:00 AM. GAHHH. AP Psych and AP Language+Composition. Shitshitshitshit. I don't wanna. Please don't make me. I got a 3 on my mock AP psych, so I need to CRAMCRAMCRAM tonight.

Now for the tirade.


He is not "a" gay. He is simply gay.

"Hold on, Joey. Saywhatnow?"

-sigh- Okay. So I was reading the prologue to some story on a writer's forum, and one of the characters was introduced as "a" gay. Gay is not a noun. It is an adjective, not to be confused with the word "stupid." For example of the latter, an object cannot be "gay" - it does not have sexual attrection to the same gender. Mmmkay?

That's just the half of it.

As for the other half - you can't be "a" gay. Gay is not a thing. Gay is what someone is. So you can't be "a" gay. I don't know how to make it any clearer.

How about this?

Wrong: "He is a gay."
Right: "He is gay."

Voi la.

It's really not that hard.



Saturday, May 9, 2009

After Promizzle

So me and the Twin talked it out after a record six days without talking. And we're good. I dunno how long it's going to be til I wanna be THAT close to her again, because... well, I don't want to be that relied upon. And she gets it, thank God. At least, I hope.

So last night was prom. And I didn't go. But I went to AFTER prom with Penguin at Dave & Busters. 'Twas fun. I was out 'til four in the morning. I felt SO HARDCORE. XD But it was a lot of fun. And then Penguin's mom picked us up and her and Penguin started like, screaming in these ridiculous accents. And it was incredibly hilarious. I haven't laughed that hard in forever. I had tears rolling down my face.


For the second time in two years, I have a poem in the literary magazine :) I feel SPESHUL. Except for the part where people whose poems absolutely SUCKED got in, too. So that kind of killed my confidence a little.

But yeahhh.


This was... short?


Monday, May 4, 2009

Drama Was Supposed to Cease LAST Year.

"My life cannot revolve around her and her schedule. I'm sorry that I have other friends that I like to hang out with, too, and... yeah. So gah. I mean, we're "okay" for now. But like... yeah. I dunno."

You may or may not remember that from my last post. If you don't, see the one right below this one. It's not that hard. Yeah, see, that whole "issue" kind of came back to bite me in the ass and exploded into a million tiny little fragments.

My friendship with Abby is over.

She wanted me to go with her and her mother to get her car's oil changed at 9:00 in the morning. Wtf? Sorry, I wouldn't have fun doing that with ANYONE. Nonetheless, to appease her, I asked my mom, who gave a resounding "no," for which I thanked her later. Abby proceeded to flip a sh!t, and in the process of her doing so, I hung up on her.

Later, I went out for a walk. She saw me and asked me if I wanted to go with her to get her brother. Sure, was my reply, I have nothing better to do. So we're walking, I'm listening to music, no one is talking. She thinks I'm ignoring her, so she tells me to go away. So I do. Later, she calls me telling me that if I cared, I would have stayed, to which my reply was "I don't care - if someone tells me to go away, I'm not going to stick around." Of course, all she heard was "I don't care" and hung up on me.

So blah say blah say blah, this and that, and while I'm watching Carrie for one-fifth of a psychology project with the Penguin and her BFFL, my mom calls me to tell me that Abby called HER crying and basically putting my MOTHER in the middle of it.


So Abby proceeds to text Penguin about eight bajillion times saying "tell Joey this and that and this."


Every time I can't do something with HER, every time I have plans with someone that's not HER, she gets pissed off, because I'm not revolving my life around HER. And everytime, she says "Oh I'm sorry blah blah" after her usual guilt trips and pity parties. So why is this time any different, I ask?

It's not.

So yeah.



So yeah. For the past two weeks, I have been going to Penguins house to watch movies for a psychology project, in which we watch five movies with a partner (off of a list of HUNDREDS of movies) and write a report on the mental disorders one or more of the characters have. So far we've only managed to watch Secret Window, and Carrie. We watched the latter this past weekend, as previously mentioned, and towards the end, Carrie is sitting in a bath tub, rinsing the pig's blood off of her. Penguin's brother comes out of his room, sees this, and, like the typical straight male he is, cries BOOBIES! and runs upstairs to say MOM, THEY'RE WATCHING PORN!
Penguin's mom shrugs this off, but as Carrie stabs her mother, and her mother begins to make awfully orgasm-ish moaning sounds, Penguin's mother cries, "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU WATCHING!?"



So yeah. That's been... life, lately.

I really want to make a blog with Penguin and Nikki Skyline, but Penguin doesn't blog, and Nikki... well, she barely does.

