Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Graduation of Penguin

Before I begin: I have finished the third installment of my Anita Blake-type series.

(Laurell K. Hamilton, don't sue - I assure you, it's no more similar than the Sookie Stackhouse series. You're just so inspiring.)

I finished at like, 2:00something today. And it's too short. Only 99 pages. Grrr. It shall become longer, though!

So yes.

On with the... what the title says.


My bestest friend in the whole wide world... has graduated. This past Friday was the seniors' last day. So no more seeing Penguin every single day in the stairway. -tear- Why couldn't she just fail this year so she could stay back?


Oh, right. She has a future. Damnit.

But really, a whole bunch of my friends were seniors, and I'm going to miss them all. I have few friends in my own class, and that was probably a strategical error on my part.


So... yeah. Penguin is gone, never to return again.

Except for the part where she only lives ten minutes away, and I know both her numbers by heart. BUT STILL.

-le sigh-



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