Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Almost Finished :D

This is it.
In about 9,248 words, my third book will be finished. It'll probably go a little over, but... GAH! Finally! This has been the hardest one to write so far. And. I'm. Almost. Done.

*breaks out the non-alcoholic champagne*

It'll be finished before summer :) Hehe.

Moving on.

So. The Nightly News is blaring in the background. And stupid liberal-as-hell California decided to uphold Prop 8.


One of the most liberal states in the country... with like, Homo-Central (San Francisco) and everything. And they're upholding Prop 8.

*lesigh* I will never understand ignorance.

But at least the like... what, 8,000 gay couples that got married, stay married? So that's goodish.

Sorry, didn't mean to go all activist on you.


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