Monday, May 4, 2009

Drama Was Supposed to Cease LAST Year.

"My life cannot revolve around her and her schedule. I'm sorry that I have other friends that I like to hang out with, too, and... yeah. So gah. I mean, we're "okay" for now. But like... yeah. I dunno."

You may or may not remember that from my last post. If you don't, see the one right below this one. It's not that hard. Yeah, see, that whole "issue" kind of came back to bite me in the ass and exploded into a million tiny little fragments.

My friendship with Abby is over.

She wanted me to go with her and her mother to get her car's oil changed at 9:00 in the morning. Wtf? Sorry, I wouldn't have fun doing that with ANYONE. Nonetheless, to appease her, I asked my mom, who gave a resounding "no," for which I thanked her later. Abby proceeded to flip a sh!t, and in the process of her doing so, I hung up on her.

Later, I went out for a walk. She saw me and asked me if I wanted to go with her to get her brother. Sure, was my reply, I have nothing better to do. So we're walking, I'm listening to music, no one is talking. She thinks I'm ignoring her, so she tells me to go away. So I do. Later, she calls me telling me that if I cared, I would have stayed, to which my reply was "I don't care - if someone tells me to go away, I'm not going to stick around." Of course, all she heard was "I don't care" and hung up on me.

So blah say blah say blah, this and that, and while I'm watching Carrie for one-fifth of a psychology project with the Penguin and her BFFL, my mom calls me to tell me that Abby called HER crying and basically putting my MOTHER in the middle of it.


So Abby proceeds to text Penguin about eight bajillion times saying "tell Joey this and that and this."


Every time I can't do something with HER, every time I have plans with someone that's not HER, she gets pissed off, because I'm not revolving my life around HER. And everytime, she says "Oh I'm sorry blah blah" after her usual guilt trips and pity parties. So why is this time any different, I ask?

It's not.

So yeah.



So yeah. For the past two weeks, I have been going to Penguins house to watch movies for a psychology project, in which we watch five movies with a partner (off of a list of HUNDREDS of movies) and write a report on the mental disorders one or more of the characters have. So far we've only managed to watch Secret Window, and Carrie. We watched the latter this past weekend, as previously mentioned, and towards the end, Carrie is sitting in a bath tub, rinsing the pig's blood off of her. Penguin's brother comes out of his room, sees this, and, like the typical straight male he is, cries BOOBIES! and runs upstairs to say MOM, THEY'RE WATCHING PORN!
Penguin's mom shrugs this off, but as Carrie stabs her mother, and her mother begins to make awfully orgasm-ish moaning sounds, Penguin's mother cries, "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU WATCHING!?"



So yeah. That's been... life, lately.

I really want to make a blog with Penguin and Nikki Skyline, but Penguin doesn't blog, and Nikki... well, she barely does.



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