Friday, December 12, 2008

Bipolar Friday

How was my day?


I started this morning off with a ride to school from mom, at which time we got in a huge fight because she was being slightly stereotypical and she started yelling and cursing at me when I was trying to be rational. She made a comment that I dont' feel like repeating, simply because I would have to type out the longevity of the argument, but basically it felt as if she were hitting below the belt in regards to my sexuality. Not that she's a homophobe or anything, because she's not. But... yeah.

So needless to say, my morning was fucked six ways to Sunday. I was quite and emo-rrific with my friends and didn't really talk to anyone. Jayson made me smile a little bit, but... blargh. Then all through second period (today was a block day, so an hour and a half of precalculus... oh boy...) I was blahish. I didn't understand any of the shit we were doing, and eventually I was just like "fuck this, I give up." Then in fourth period psychology, things started to look up a bit. For no reason, I just started feeling giggly.

Then Jayson proceeded to rape me at lunch, and the rest of the day was pretty much a breeze.

By rape, I mean he found a particular ticklish spot and wouldn't let up. So yeah. I basically beat the shit out of him, but he didn't really notice. Yikes.

In sixth period video production, we had a sub, so we just watched a video on editing.

Then in theater, we talked a little about the performance last Saturday with the Text Alive coordinators, and yeahhh..


This girl, Nicole, said something uberfunny in psychology.

"Are you sexually active?"
"No, I just lay there."

It made me laugh. A lot. So I thought I'd share that with you.

I'm looking forward to Kara's party tomorrow night =] Excitement abounds!!


1 comment:

Tia said...

haha. that WAS funny.