Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Do Me A Favor?

I made a video about this too, on my vlog, and now apparently it's a problem on Blogger. You see, I went to middle school with a few kids - one stands out in particular, by the name of Arjun Chaabra (pedophiles, feel free) - who pretty much made my life a living hell. And now they're trying again over the internet.

I know it seems like I'm "letting them get to me" by giving them this "attention," but I'm going to make this clear one more time.

You are pathetic. Just so you know. "joeytruth" - a very LAME parody on my last name - i know who you are. You must think I'm stupid, because you only have videos on yourselves on YouTube. Granted, you only made the YouTube in the first place to harass me. Seriously. Grow up and get some fucking balls. You're going to sit there and give me shit because, what, you have nothing better to do with your own life? Wow. I'll say it again: You Are Pathetic.

So, faithful readers, feel free to spam them. They left a comment on my last post.

((Thanks, Nikki, I know you helped :3))


Sososo yesterday, we only had like, four classes. It was the day before break, and at lunch, my lesbian Rosie came in the stairway saying they were letting us out early because of a water main break. So we went to fifth period and they let us go and yeahhh :3

I gotz a few extra minutes wiff mah boyyy XD


So yeah. Break's starting off kinda slow. Nothing special for Christmas Eve. I'm going to my dad's tomorrow for Christmas, then on Friday I'm going out with Jayson to chill at the mall. Hopefully. He better be able to get a ride -_-

I was supposed to go to church tonight with my mom and her friend - who happens to be the mother of one of my really good friends - but my mom was like "i dont' feel like going," and I almost went just to chill with Joey. Not me. Other Joey. My friend Joey. XD



Okay, I think I'm done.

I'm gonna go figure out why I can't get on AIM and MSN and the such.

Tee tee why ell.



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