Saturday, December 6, 2008

That Was INFINITELY Easier Than I Anticipated


I know you're all dying to hear how my performance went this morning at the Shakespeare Theater.

Two words.



I mean, this morning when I woke up at 6:00, I wasn't even nervous. Of course, we got backstage, and I was terrified. Then they did the prologue, and scene one, and OH MY GOSH IT'S OUR TURN!!!

But me and my scene partner, JJ, were cued, and I didn't even CARE that I was standing in an angel costume in front of however many people. I was like WHA-BAM, character, projection, voi la.

I'm kinda mad I didn't get a bigger part now ><

But yeahhh...

Some of the other schools sucked hardcore. Some kids forgot their lines and I couldn't hear them - and I was in the SECOND ROW.

Our school had to be in the top three. At least.

The scene before us - my friend Jake was in it - was INCREDIBLE. But since we were scene two - they were scene one - we didn't get to see it, because we were already backstage. So yeah :(



Then two scenes after us, the balcony scene, was OMGSOGOOD. They did this really clever concept that was like... clever.

See, they had like, these old people in a retirement home and the old man had a really big remote and in front of them the two people playing Romeo and Juliet were performing, and every time the old man changed the channel, different people came on in different costumes and continued with the dialogue.


Loved it.

Best scene.

But now I have some sad news.

I did not get to take any pictures. =[
I know this is very saddening, and I'm sorry, because I SERIOUSLY meant to. But I totally forgot. *le sigh*

Oh well.

Maybe someone took a picture and will put it on Facebook?

Or something?


1 comment:

Tia said...

WHAT??!?! no pictures?!?

i'm sad.