Monday, December 1, 2008

Stressing Out Much?

I'm so scared.

Clever Girl Tia, your reassurances mean a lot, but stage fright can't be helped.

The performance at the Shakespeare Theatre is on Saturday at about 9:AM. I have to be there at 8:15. No one in my theater class is really taking it seriously, Ms. Roots is pissed, and I think we're kind of majorly F U C K E D.

I can't tell you how damn nervous I am. I mean, I know it's not many lines, but still, I have to stand up in front of a lot of people and act in a fucking ANGEL COSTUME. Gah. I thought a white dress shirt, light jeans, and a halo would be enough, but NO. White dress shirt, white pants, and WINGS. And we have to arrive at the Theatre IN COSTUME.

So I'm going to be walking around the nation's capitol looking like a fucking ANGEL.

I'm so not putting the wings on until I get in the damn place.

I don't know why I'm dreading this week so much. I just so totally want Saturday to be over. Like, really bad.


Why did I do this to myself?


Just... gah.


1 comment:

Tia said...

you'll be great! don't worry.

and i want pictures immediately.