Thursday, December 11, 2008

Remember How I Said I Can't Haz Cookie Dough?

I had cookie dough :3

They were in these little pre-shaped cookies.

HOMG SO GOOD!! They were like, the cookie dough from the ice cream.

Nomnom yummerific.

Yeah that was last night. Just thought I'd share that with you.

But now I have Swiss Miss hot chocolate :3


So guess what?

My biology teacher is a sadist. No lie. He likes seeing his students put their hands in ice water for five minutes straight, just to break toothpicks to simulate enzyme action.


Yeah, I don't even really get it myself. We were simulating enzyme action on like, substrates and such, and breaking toothpicks as fast as possible, and for the last part of the lab, one person per group had to put their hands in ice water for five minutes. Holy shit, it hurt. Like, they were in there FOR FIVE MINUTES. And then I broke like, three toothpicks at a time. (There were ten). If I kept my hands still in the water, they felt warm, but if I moved them HOMG OUCHIESSSS.

But if Mr. Turner is a sadist, then I suppose I'm a masochist for volunteering for our group. This girl, Mariah, wanted to do it, but I said I would, she was all "okay." And then she tried and was like "OMG I'M SO GLAD I DIDN'T DO THIS!"


I can haz really red hands?

Oh, question.

Does anyone know how long it takes to receive a letter in Illinois, sent from Maryland? Because I sent my BFFL, Nikki, a letter for Christmas on the sixth, and she still hasn't gotten it. Which is greatly depressing me, because there was a surprise inside. You know, like my Reese's Puffs yesterday morning?

Yeah, I had a little rolly giraffe from Madagascar 2 in my cereal. It's my new favorite thing.



Jayson gave me a present yesterday. A lubricated, ultra-ribbed Trojan condom. Yeah. I was walking home with Abby today and I blew it up on the side of the road. It looked so wrong. I got funny looks. And a car honked at me. Then I let it deflate and it landed in the street.

I wonder what people will think when they see it?

It was gross. It was like, slimy. Stupid lubricant.

God, I hate that word.


1 comment:

Camille said...

Cookie dough is pretty much amazing =]

Just felt like saying that.

Thanks for the comment!!