Saturday, May 23, 2009

Idol Is Rigged. It's Final.

As if it wasn't final before, when Daughtry lost.

Adam Lambert should have won, since Allison didn't. I think the Adam part is the general consensus. Personally, I liked Allsion because she's like Pink, and I heart Pink :)

But then I stopped to think... Adam didn't win... So he's not under contract with Idol... so he can do whatever with his music :D He's not bounded by legalities.

Personally, I think they rigged it so he'd lose because he's not the image Idol wants. He's got the whole goth-rocker thing going on, and they want that boy-next-door kinda thing. Everyone thinks the gay thing is such an issue, but really, if it was, would he have gotten as far as he did? Probably NOT.

Everyone you ask is going to tell you that they voted Adam. Well, not everyone. But most. Which means that... Idol's rigged :) Duh.

I professed that I was done with the show last season, but then it drew me in again this year, in the final... five, was it? I mean, I didn't watch beginning to end, but I caught bits and pieces.

Still ticked that Allison didn't get to the top three -_-


1 comment:

Tia said...

i think a big reason adam didn't win is because he's from california and lots of us are "too cool" to vote.

(not me, though. i voted.)