Friday, May 15, 2009

This Applies to Anyone Reading This

If you have a problem with anything I'm saying, ANYTHING at all... Then don't read this blog. Okay? If you intend on commenting rude things, go for it, but you're wasting your time and energy, because they're just going to get deleted. Just hop off my blog if you don't like me, be it personal or otherwise.

Grow up. Get a life. Honestly, if you're sitting there reading some blog and then dissing the person via blog comment, you must be pretty pathetic. If you think you're so much better than me, prove it - go the fuck away.

I haven't done anything to anyone but talk about my life - it's like a public journal sort of thing, it's an outlet. If you're not interested, or you think it's dumb, or if you thing I'M dumb, then don't waste you're time reading it. If you think something I say doesn't make sense, then fine - I don't care. Don't sit there and waste you're time telling me shit that I really don't care about, and that's not going to do you any good.

Really, just, grow the hell up.

That's my little tirade for today.


1 comment:

Tia said...

Eff the haters. You're fabulous.