Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I Can Haz Sweet Tooth? AND POT BREATH!?

So we went to the store yesterday and didn't get any good sweets. We have some chocolate chip cookie dough that I really want to eat without cooking (I'z a cookie dough addict) but nooo, I'm not allowed.

**le sigh**

Sweet tooth like shit.

So yesterday, my mommeh picked me up from school and we were in the car and she was all "I smell pot." How does she know what pot smells like? No idea. Probably had a couple stoner days.

Well, we figure it's the bus in front of us, some kid lighting up in back. The bus turns, and she still smells it. We get in the store, I'm talking, she leans in, sniffs, and goes "Your breath smells like pot."


Now my mother thinks I'm a pothead. As if she doesn't have enough reason to NOT trust me ><

In other news....


I made a new vlog.

Now I just have to edit and upload it.

I've been totally neglecting it because blogging is sort of infinitely cooler 'cause I can express my writing easier, and yeahh. So yeah :3


I'm done rambling for now.



1 comment:

feellinecancer said...

Omg I just laughed so hard XD
That was amazing