Thursday, December 18, 2008

So I Haven't Posted Since Saturday... And It's THURSDAY?!?!?




I'm sorry.

I love you!! I promise. I've just been too caught up in things to really focus on... well, much of anything. School included. Yet somehow, I magically have an A in precalculus.


Yeah really.

And we got our PSAT results. 1710 for yours truly, out of 2200, I believe. I know someone that got 2130. I'm fucking JEALOUS. I wish I was that smart ><

I have two C's right now. Biology in psychology. The 'ologys don't like me. And if that wasn't bad grammar, I have no clue what is. =D

Life is really good right now, and I'm exceedingly happy. I just have to focus more on school rather than... erm... social issues.

But I can't help that my thoughts get carried away! ...Can I?

I've been texting so much over the past four days. My mom's gonna freak. Like, it's unlimited, but I have "better things to do with my time."

((Not really, but let her live in her own little fantasy world :D))

Everyone is finding someone, including me, and that makes me really happy. It's like, perfect timing - right around Christmas. The present everyone wants - someone to hold and be with.

Nothing could be better.

