Thursday, September 18, 2008

Collab Gossip Girl Review Thinger!!

Hey all.
This is like, my third post today. Pathetic, right?
Well, eventually - meaning sometime this weekend, before Monday at 8 pm on the East Coast - there will be a new vlog on my YouTube channel ( and a fellow vlogger by the name of Hannah ( It is a collaborative vlog reviewing the first four episodes of the second season of Gossip Girl. Sort of. More like, her part is the review, and mine is just rambling about the different relationships and stuff... Characters... nothing really much about the plot on my end :P
I don't know, I might redo it before it's finalized.

Mucho loves,

1 comment:

WriterGirl17 said...

Dear J,
Three posts in one day is a sign of an addiction. Please, go get a life and quit blogging. Eventually you will run out of words and your blog will be monotonous and boring, much like mine.

Peace, love, and actual hobbies,
