Thursday, September 18, 2008

Having a Birthday Thing A Week Prior Is Stressful...

Okay, so like fifty percent of the children in America, my parents are divorced. Like about fifty percent of those children, I visit my dad on a regular basis - every other weekend to be exact. This weekend coming up is my dad's weekend, and it's also the weekend before my birthday - which is on the twenty-seventh. So I know you're wondering why this is so stressful. Well...

1. I have the hardest time finding things I want. I ended up with a grand total of nine things on my birthday list, not including the obvious cash and iTunes gift cards.

2. I want to hang out with two of my friends, but I might not be able to.

Let me explain.
My dad told me that I could have a few friends over for my birthday. Well, I wanted to invite pet "lesbian" Sam, and my friend whose name also happens to be Joey. That's the only thing we have in common. Wheras I fall in with the out crowd, Joey falls in with the "G" crowd. Wheras I'm a flamer, he's straight as a pole. **Le sigh**
Well, anygay, Joey might not be able to come, and I don't want Sam there by herself with me because that would not only be awkward for her, but for me, because having only one friend attend - that friend being a girl - will cause however many of the family members to show up ask me one question afterwards:
"Is Sam your girlfriend?"
I do not want to deal with that level of awkward-idity. And I don't think my pet "lesbian" would enjoy being one of two teenagers in a group of adults. Unless it'll just be my dad and his replacement wife. I'm not sure yet.

So my point is, it doesn't look like Joey can come, because he's going shooting with his dad that day, and then jumping some guy.
Don't ask.

It doesn't help anything that I have virtually zero guy friends. I mean, there's this guy Brett, but I never talk to him anymore, and that might just be awkward......



1 comment:

Sam said...

I've just been reading your blog (well, no duh; sorry), and you seem like a very nice guy with a geniune personality. :]
I think I shall follow. Yep.
Hope you can get this birthday thing sorted out; I can see your dilemma. Maybe just ask Sam if she'd find it weird.
Well, gotta go.
Bye. :]