Sunday, September 14, 2008

Days Of Our BLAHs

I'm stuck on the couch on the laptop, posting a blog, while my dear mother watches Days of our Lives. Dear God, I hate it so. I mean, General Hospital is one thing.

Hi, I'm Joey.
"Hello, Joey."
I have an addiction to... General Hospital. Oh, and the Anita Blake series. And Gossip Girl. But those are two other cans of worms that I'd rather not open.

Although, I must say that EJ Wells is decent to look at...


It's Sunday. Weekends go by too fast. Kind of like a good song. Or a good drink. Yum...
So why is it that I got a comment on my Remembering Sunday a cappella cover that made me feel very bad? :[

Am I realllly that bad??


It doesn't matter, I suppose. In any case, I still write fabulously.

1 comment:

leesh_xx said...

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