Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Life Story You HAVEN'T Been Waiting For

So I've realized that I haven't had an actual really long post, like, detailed and meaningful, like all the other good bloggers do quite often. But I've always sort of wondered: what do I talk about? Do I talk about me? I don't really like talking about myself too much; I start to feel conceited. So what do I talk about?

Maybe I'll welcome you to my life a little bit. How about a life story?
I suppose this entails talking about myself, but oh well. Maybe it'll get some of my writer's block out of my skull, eh?
No, I'm not Canadian.

A few posts ago, I said I would get into my whole "coming out thing." I guess that's kinda where my life really begins.

I was thirteen, and I was desperatly "in love" with a girl. Yes. A girl. I'll call her R. I was on MySpace, checking bulletins and the such, and I saw a survey from her. Since I felt so strongly about her, I was obviously stalking her.
On this survey, it was said that R felt bisexual guys were "hot." So I figured I would tell her I was bisexual so she would think I was hot and she'd want me. So tell her I did, and still, nothing change.
It was then I realized - oh shit. I really do like boys.

I spent the next year and a half trying to convince myself that I wasn't gay, simply because - and I told my life coach, Diana, this - I was scared for the kids I would one day have, and I didn't want them to face the torment of being made fun of for having two daddies.

During this period - in eigth grade - I became close to Abby. You see, as the hit movie Juno begins:
It started with a chair.
Our friendship actually started with a short obnoxious closetcase named "C," who Abby was dating at the time. A huge fight broke out between the three of us, things were said, misunderstandings were made, and I dated Abby for a week. She broke up with me on the way to the first date. Partly because she was in love with another boy, and she knew - before I did - that I was gay.
It was after that that we began to get really close. While she was carrying a spinny chair out to the dumpster.

Me - **doubletake** Abby?
Abby - **looks around, sees me** You live here?!
Me - You live here?!
**Laugh and talk**
So yeah. We began to hang out and wha-bam. Just add sexual harrassment, insta-friendship.

At the start of ninth grade, I met a girl named Ashely. She had changed my life, and I'm not exaggerating. She has given me so much great advice, and she helped me so much through the period described next.

In ninth grade, I met a boy named "D." D was dating a girl at the time, but somehow I knew he wasn't exactly the straightest stick in the forest.

(Oh yeah. I'm witty.)

It was a sort of love at first sight, and a mutual friend introduced us. One day after school, D asked me out, and we began seeing each other after school for two and a half months. Those were some of the best months of my life. I was so damn happy. And then, a couple days before Christmas, he had to end it all.
Oh well.

I was miserable until the following August. I know. Bella without Edward, anyone? It's pathetic, I know, but I was just so deeply in love with him, and I seriously thought he felt the same way.
But what about the girlfriend, you ask. D told me he told the girl, and I was naive enough to believe him. It wasn't until months after our relationship had ended that I found out he'd lied. To be blunt, he's a compulsive liar.

During this period, Ashley helped me a lot, by putting up with my whining and complaining and stubbornness. She wasn't afraid to be blunt with me, and I thank her for that more than you can know.

It is the following spring after the break up that I met Sam, and my life has never been the same. She has made it so much better. She and Abby both have just made me such a better person, and I've changed so much because of them. When I met Sam, I really thought that she would be one of the first friends that faded into the shroud of memories after she graduated. Little did I know we'd spend almost every night the following year, up until even now, on the phone, talking about everything, talking about nothing.

The following summer I met Nikki. You don't understand how close I feel to her, even though she's at least six hundred miles away. I feel like while I'm giving her as best advice from my two years of extra experience that I can, while she helps me in more ways than she knows - simply by being there, and listening when I need somone to listen. Even when I don't want to hear the truth, she gives it to me like it needs to be given.

I had to come out to my mom three times. Once when I told her I was bisexual - that was a cry-fest - and twice for her to understand that I am, in fact, gay. The last time was particularly emotional - it was over the phone, with Diana, who moderated the whole affair. My mother is not a homophobe. She is a more accepting mother than I could have hoped for. But she is scared for me, and I understand that.

I still have not come out to my dad.

Maybe I won't, because I don't want to deal with him any longer than I have to. While he is not an asshole to me, he is to my mother, and sometimes he is an asshole to her through me. He uses me to hurt her, thanks to whatever grudge he holds against her for whatever he thinks she did twelve years ago, when they got divorced.


But let's move back to the present!!!
Today. Lunch was so much fun. It started off with leaving psychology. I tried to drag Rosie (mentioned in the blog about the Halloween party) to our stairway, and she was trying to go to her place, wherever that may be. Regardless, we were pulling against each other, which resulted in banging each other against the lockers and grunts that sounded quite sexual. The girl, "R," mentioned earlier, saw this and got quite confused.

Me - Hi, R!
R - Um... hi **runs into bathroom**
**Me and Rosie continue to pull at each other in suggestive positions**
**Mae walks up**
Mae - Joey, you're so bi!
Me - NUH UH!

**gigglegiggleSNORT** it was funny.
And then in the stairway, Sam was messing with me, so I attacked her, which led to a fight while we scooched our asses across the floor.
Oh my God.
It was amazing.

But yeah.

Well I think I'm done wasting your time.
(That means goodbye)


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