Thursday, November 20, 2008

Monster and Bank Robberies... Say What?

I had three doses of caffiene today.
My heart hurt.
Is that a bad thing?

I had a cup of coffee this morning and a Snickers "Blasted" bar... or something to that effect. Basically a Snickers bar with caffiene and taurine. Then a can of Monster.


I love Monster.

Seriously, if you haven't had it, go buy a can at your nearest convenience store slash supermarket. 'Gasmic. Preferably green or red ("Assault.") The blue is basically just "diet," and orange ("Khaos") is somewhat of an aquired taste, as is yellow ("M-80"), because they're both juice blends. As is the purple ("MIXX'D"), but really, that just tastes like grape soda. Then there are the coffee flavors.
I can haz mocha flavor, plz?

Wow, I just spent like, so long talking about M O N S T E R. But it's just that amazing.


So I live in an eastern state. And in this eastern state there is a town of about 7,500 people with not-exactly-defined "city limits." It's quite a small town, depending on what you think the limits are. But anyway.
In our extended fifth period, my friend Laura texted me.

"be careful going home!"

My response: "Why?"

"someone robbed a bank in *****ville and now they're in *******ville (my town) and they're armed."

Basically, it was all over the news. There were three suspects, and they shot one down and killed him, and they found the second and they think they know where the third is. So yeah.

But it was a really big deal. My high school isn't in my town, so it wasn't affected too bad, but basically the kids that live in the general area where they thought the guy was had to go to this middle school in the area - my middle school, no less. My BFF main girl Abby goes to a high school not far from the middle school, so she was on lockdown. But they eventually let everyone go home.

Good thing I stayed after school ><

I'm terrified. In like, two weeks or less, we have that performance in the Shakespeare Theater in DC, and gahhh I'm going to die. We had rehearsal today after school - my theater class is seventh period, so that was convenient - and just... I mean, it's slowly coming together, but the guy that I'm doing the scene with isn't the brightest bulb in the tanning bed (Juno reference :3), and like... I dunno, I'm just really nervous.

I want to back out, but I think it's too late.



PS: I really need material for my advice blog. It's so neglected =[ **hugs blog**

1 comment:

Tia said...

you're going to be FABULOUS in the show. don't worry.