Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight, Twilight, Twilight (I can haz review?)

I'll explain my process to you before I go further, 'kay?

I'm a die-hard movie fan - usually some form of horror or thriller, or most things with a supernatural element. Except for sci-fi. But when I see a movie, I automatically begin to mentally tear it apart and nitpick at the negative things. Don't get me wrong, this doesn't mean I hate the movie. But I critique the hell out of it. It's rare that I find a movie I get so sucked into that I don't critique it at all. I found one today called "Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon," but we'll save that for a rainy day.

In any case, most of my problems with Twilight were in the acting - and, of course, the horrid CGI, but the budget is limited. Everything else deserves nothing but praise, because over all, they did a miraculous job. So much better than I was expecting.

So I'll just start with the basics: adaptation

There are slight spoilers, but nothing that'll ruin everything for you

The book and the film were not identical twins, but it is like that with every movie adapted from print-on-page to the silver screen. Harry Potter, for example. While most of those films so far have remained faithful to the books, they are never 100% similar, nor can they ever be - generally for time's sake, or because narration in films becomes bothersome.

In the adaptation of Stephanie Meyer's bestselling, cliched (yet remarkably written) tale of the love between mortal and immortal beings, things were changed around, added, and taken away - mostly for time's sake, and the sake of the interest of the audience. For example, three-fifths of the novel is about Edward Cullen and Isabella (Bella) Swan falling in love. It is not until the latter two-fifths that Lorent, James, and Victoria show up and begin to cause trouble. However, in the movie, two innocent lives are lost to these three vampires.

Other than that, the adaptation was very good. Things were switched around, but it didn't affect the overall outcome of the movie.

The acting

Kristen Stewart was phenominal. As soon as I read the novel, an image of the young actress - famous for Panic Room, Speak, and The Messengers. And what do you know - she is casted for the role. That made me ecstatic - she was absolutely flawless. She played the role perfectly - from the clumsiness, right down to the social issues. It is apparent that she is good at whatever theme she is acting under, and her career will definitely be a successful one. My fear, however, is that she will be best known for Bella Swan in the Twilight saga adaptation. I sincerely hope she is not done after these films are all complete.


Then, of course, Nikki Reed, playing the role of Rosalie. Nikki is most famous for the teen drama Thirteen, which I have yet to see. I did, however, see her in a movie called Mini's First Time, also starring Alec Baldwin. Her performance as a cold-hearted, vixen bitch was mindblowing, and she once again takes it to that same icy level with Rosalie.


Robert Pattinson is another story, however. Described in the book, Edward is supposed to be a gorgeous, godly creature. I guess, in his own way, Pattinson fits the bill. Everyone has their type - he's just not mine. But that was not the problem with me.

The problem was his acting.

By the end of the movie, Pattinson simply was Edward Cullen. However, I think he was simply focusing way too much on sounding American, and that was detracting from his full potential at playing the part. Obviously, playing Edward, he needed to sound "American," so not much could have been done about that. But I just think that's what was detracting from the acting itself.


Taylor Lautner, the boy that played Jacob, famous for... well... nothing... Well, let's just say it's apparent why he's famous for nothing. To put it nicely, his acting could use some serious work.


Everyone else basically ranged from pretty good to really good on the acting scale, but, to be frank, I just don't feel like going through all of them XD

But yeahhh that about sums it up!!

Go see it.


1 comment:

Jennifer Louise said...

I wish I could! Doesn't come out here yet...glad you weren't too disapointed though, I'm hoping I won't be either-