Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama. Yes. Obama.

I'm not trying to rub anything in anyone's face. People were doing that all day, and it pissed me off. One of my classmates got in a fight with her best friend because of her lack of support for Obama. One of my classmates was rubbing the fact Obama won in a McCain supporter's face.
I do not want to do that.
But I do want to say how incredibly happy I am Barack Obama is the forty-fourth Commander-in-Chief. A so-called socialist, I'm not sure if I believe there is a such thing as "too liberal." If there is, the Obama certainly is at that extreme.
I'm a hardcore liberal, so quite frankly, it doesn't bother me that much, because we do not have another Republican in office.

I am not happy, though.

Proposition Eight was passed in California. This ban against gay marriage is total hypocrisy to the recent passage of same-sex wedding rights. However, with such a liberal coming into office in two months, I hope that he can override this resurrection of discrimination; the discrimination no different than the discrimination seventy years ago, against African Americans.
It's in Barack Obama's hands now.
We can only hope equality is established under Obama's reign.
And we can only hope we'll be leaving Iraq.
We can only hope for taxing equality.
We can only hope.



WriterGirl17 said...

Hate to break it to you, but Obama doesn't support gay marriage. He supports civil union. McCain's the same way.

Tia said...

yay obama! boo prop 8.