Thursday, November 6, 2008

Stupid people. Have you not a clue the definition of love?

As I referenced yesterday, Proposition Eight was passed in California. I found out today, in my school's Gay-Straight Alliance, that two other states - Florida and, I believe, Alabama - passed similar bans on same-sex marriage. This is not fair. At all. How can you just say no to two people that love each other, even if they are the same gender? It's no different than not allowing bi-racial couples to marry several decades ago. Moreover... well, let me get into a related story first.
I got on the bus today. Now, before I continue, I'd like to say that the school I attend is very liberal - almost every classroom has a poster that says "This room is a safe haven for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and straight students." I got on the bus and took my seat as a girl a seat over from me is ranting to her friends about gay marriage and how someone got mad at her for being against it. Now, I do not mind that she has her own opinion.
I do mind the fact that she quoted her mother as saying "Love the sinner, not the sin." Being gay is a sin? Really? The way you are born is a sin? You can change your sexual orientation as much as you can change your skin color. Do you think I like being called faggot, and having to deal with ignorant people? No. I do not enjoy that, and if I had a choice, I would not be blogging right now. I'd be in my room with a girl, virginity long gone. So no, it's not a choice, as much as it's your choice of who you fall in love with.
I cannot stand ignorant people.
The Bible is not completely right.
I'm not anti-Christian.
But the Good Book is not 100% right.
I'm sorry if that offends anyone, but... well, that's my belief, and I'm sticking to it.


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