Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Gratitude List

Feel free to repost your own version in your own blog.

My Gratitude List

I Am Grateful:

1) that I have a mother who can support me and that I can trust, and be myself around.

2) that I have Abby, my best friend since seventh grade, who I can tell anything to and not be judged.

3) that I have Sam, my best friend since ninth grade, who I have spent many a late night on the phone with, talking about everything and nothing, laughing till we cry.

4) that I have two dogs, Misty and Gizmo, the barky, four pound furballs that somehow know when I'm not feeling at my best and try, in their doggy ways, to cheer me up.

5) that I have my Stairway Crew, who all provide me with the energy and laughs to make it through the day.

6) that I have my iPod, which provides me with the music I need to save my sanity, or gives me the inspiration to write.

7) for my creativity with words; without it, I would be backed up with stress and anger, no way to get it out.

8) for my cell phone, which saves me from boredom at the most boring times with random text messages from friends.

9) for books - Anita Blake in particular - which have provided me with the inspiration to start taking writing even more seriously.

10) for Nikki, who I met last summer, and even though she's 600 miles away, I feel like I've known her for forever. She is like a little sister to me, and I love her. And let's not forget Paige, who always makes our phone conversations even more interesting.

11) for Ashley, my tall emangsta girl and mentor. She has provided me with so much good advice, and it has saved me from making stupid mistakes.

12) for Laurell K. Hamilton, who pops out Anita Blake books at the rate that bunnies reproduce. Seriously, these books are fabulous. Read them.

13) for Clever Girl Tia, who writes an amazing blog that I can look forward to reading every day - and usually get quite a few laughs from.

I think that about sums it up.


And, of course, I love you all - whoever's reading this.



WriterGirl17 said...

You're not thankful for ME? Me and my corny jokes and my ideas for your advice blog? Fine then. Be that way. Haha.

ILY! Happy Thanksgiving!

Tia said...

awww! you're so sweet. i'm thankful for you too!

xoxo happy turkey day, baby!