Thursday, November 12, 2009


Sorry about yesterday.
It was a pity party over here.


This NaBloPoMo is kinda killing me. Just a touch. But coffee cake takes away the pain.

So, Saturday, I'm going on a college visit. "But, Joey, you're a SENIOR. Shouldn't you have done that LAST YEAR?" Well, yes, kind sir or madam, but you see, this is my BOYFRIEND'S college visit. And it's our eleven months. And this was already planned, so this is all we could do together. But yeah. :)

Except for his mom's going to be there.

But oh well. So's his best friend. Which is cool, I guess, 'cause we're pretty close. Ish.

But yeah. There was a lot of drama for me to be able to go. My mom threw a hissy fit because she thought she or my dad should be the one to take me, which, yeah, it's true, but this isn't MY college visit. It's a college I might possibly look into after two years at the local community college, but this isn't MY college visit.

And yet, still, drama. Drama. Drama.

My mom's not exactly the best.

(Understatement of the century.)

But, brownie points for her that she's letting me go. So yeah. It's kinda a special day. And yeahhhhhhhh.

I have nothing else to ramble about right now. I have to walk an 80 pound chocolate lab in the cold, windy rain. So I guess I should get crackin' on that. UGH.


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