Sunday, November 15, 2009

C O L L E G E.

I know I'm horrible at this NaBloPoMo shiz.

But I have a really good reason.

At least, it's really good to me.

I went to Boyfriend's house on Friday, and stayed until about 10:30 last night :) Well, I didn't STAY, because me, him, and his mom went on a visit to Salisbury University, and... well, it's changing my mind a little bit about college.

I wanted to go to the local community college. It's one of the top ten in the country, and it's just... cheaper. But visiting a college, it's making me want the whole experience. The whole, four-year college experience.

Problem is, I'm going to need a LOT of grants and a LOT of scholarships.

And loans. Ugh.

The only thing about going anywhere farther than the twenty-minute-down-the-road state university, or the other twenty-minute-away college, is being far away from everyone I care about.

Namely, Boyfriend.

After the visit to Salisbury yesterday, I started thinking about how hard it's going to be for us to go to seperate schools - probably. Hopefully, we'll end up at the same place, but probably not. I don't know. I just... don't know. I'm really scared college is going to break us. You know?

Yesterday was our eleven months. It was one of our few month-iversaries that I got to spend with him. And it was absolutely perfect. I don't ever want to lose that.


But yeah.


I need to get out of my house. Like, now. I need to just move out and live with people that actually care about me and don't treat me like shit, like my friends, or Boyfriend, or something.

I need to go to C O L L E G E.


1 comment:

Tia said...

go away to college.



otherwise you'll always regret it.

and as far as boyfriend and everything like that, if it's meant to be, it'll work out.