Monday, November 23, 2009

Ohhay, Let's Take a Sick Day Out of a Two and a Half Day Week.

Of course, last night, I felt like shit, and this morning, I woke up feeling worse.

So I didn't go to school, and I only have two and a half days of school this week.

Plus I'm just not a happy camper right now.

Suffice it to say that I'll never make anyone happy, and I'll probably die a miserable old cat lady.

With a penis.


On with the Music Monday.

Regina Spektor

Okay, so this woman is pretty much perfect. She mixes her upbeat melodies with beautiful ballads, and all of the lyrics are incredibly clever and have a deeper-than-what's-on-the-surface meaning. The music is just fantastic, and Spektor is very good with her fingers - on the piano, that is.

My favorite album from her is called "Begin to Hope," but the one pictured above is called "Far." They're both amazing, as is her older one, "Soviet Kitsch."'

(Don't sue me if I got the spelling wrong. But I'm pretty sure I didn't.)

Definitely check Regina Spektor out. Her new... I don't know if it's a single, but there's a video for it... well, whatever, it's called "Dance Anthem of the '80s." It's very cute. As are most of her other songs. A song that I find very powerful from her "Begin to Hope" album is called "Samson." Definitely listen to it - it'll tug on your heartstrings.


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