Thursday, November 13, 2008

I Want to Kill Writer's Block in the Face

I'm currently writing two things. One is the third part of a series similar to the Anita Blake series - if you've been reading this blog, I'm sure you're familiar by now - and a romance/drama story about two young lovers, Kale and Theo.
And, for the longest time, I've had the worst writer's block in the history of mankind.
Remember how I had that writer's block a while back? I'm not sure it ever really went away. I was in a writing frenzy last night, but I was backing myself into a corner with the story and it would turn into a dead-end. So just before I started writing this blog, I was writing the first of the two stories I just mentioned. I got maybe two pages done.
I don't know how.
Any tricks - other than listening to music - to cure writer's block that you know of?
I have an outline for the Anita Blake-ish book, so I know what I wanna do, where I wanna go, but I just can't seem to get from point A to point B.
I think I'm screwed for the time being :[


1 comment:

Tia said...

whenever i have writers block i look around my house and think of something else to write about, like my shoe or something.

i go "how can i make my shoe sound interesting?" and then i start writing a stupid paragraph about my shoe and my brain suddenly starts working again and i can go back to what i was writing.

dunno if it will help, but it works for me sometimes.