Thursday, November 5, 2009

NaBloPoMo is Very Hard to Do When You're Grounded From the Computer.

But, luckily, the lady whose dog I walk has a computer.
So take that, overbearing, controlling mother :)

So I'm kind of irritated.

The head of the journalism class or whatever at school is kind of on my ass about not having enough quotes. And paste-up is on Monday. As in, the paper is coming out next Friday. And she's JUST letting us know. Furthermore, no one would reply to our emails, and no one was coming to where the club that me and this guy were writing the article about, so we couldn't exactly talk to them, now could we?


This is so irritating.

I should've dropped the class when I had the chance. I'm tired of people being on my D!CK.


So, yeah, um, for today, I'm kind of groundedish from the computer because I was on it last night when I wasn't supposed to be, but my mom didn't say anything, so I figured it wasn't a big issue, right?

But, then, about half an hour later, she decides to flip a sh!t on me for being on the computer.

Wtf, mother.

Quit being bipolar and stop screaming at me when I haven't done anything wrong.

Okay, so MAYBE I told her to hop off. But, really, she tells me to do something twice while I'm in the process of doing it. The eff is that? Really? I'm not stupid.



I can't wait to have my own kids. I'm going to be an amazing parent. And I KNOW it. So take that.


I'm exhausted. I should probably nap, but I need to read, but I don't know. I just ate lunch and I'm still hungry and THIS POST IS SO RAMBLEICIOUS.

I'm shutting up now and letting you go about your day.




1 comment:

Tia said...

i love your ramblicious posts.