Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Towson U.

I applied. For Towson University. And now I'm really anxious.

And, of course, I need to apply for more schools, but for the applications alone, it's forty-five-freaking-dollars, and another ten to send them my SAT schores.


Does it really cost money to receive an application online? No. What about receiving SAT scores online? Shouldn't cost money for that, either.

So, again - WHAT THE EFF. Isn't it bad enough that colleges range between $15,000 and, like, $50,000 a YEAR? Do we REALLY need to pay for applications? NO.

Ugh. Everything should just be free. Money makes everything so difficult.

So I started my Salisbury application, and again, I need to pay forty five bucks before it can get sent in, another ten for my SAT scores to get sent in.

I don't want to ask my mom for this one, because I'm going to apply for at LEAST three more after this. Maybe I'll ask my dad. Who I actually spoke to yesterday, and it was not that awkward at all.

But yeah.

I'm going to try to finish most of this Salisbury app tonight, and get UMD done tomorrow... hopefully. Those are all my in-state schools.


And, on top of that, I need to take pictures for photography, walk a dog, and... JUST GAH.


1 comment:

WriterGirl17 said...

Frostburg waives their fee when you do a paper application when you visit. Just sayin'. Also, UMD will cost the most. Mine for them was $55.